Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Competency Goal Essay
Utilitarian Area #1 †Safe: In request to give a protected situation and encourage kids safe practices to forestall and diminish wounds I do the accompanying: †¢I consistently do my study hall tallies like clockwork, or all the more regularly when fundamental, to ensure that my head tally coordinates the real number of kids in my study hall. †¢Our focuses are set up to diminish open floor space and the chance to run uninhibitedly inside †¢I check all toys and gear for broken or missing parts frequently to guarantee they stay ok for use and play. †¢I guarantee that all synthetic concoctions and cleaning supplies are taken care of out of the range of kids or put away in bolted cupboards to forestall injury or harming. †¢I update my crisis courses as often as possible and effectively obvious and my crisis contacts are consistently with me in a cover and effectively available. †¢I am prepared in crisis clearing systems and plans to expel all youngsters from the study hall as well as working in case of a tornado or fire †¢I am ensured in First Aid, CPR, and Pediatric First Aid which makes me learned of thinking about mishaps or wounds. Useful Area #2 †Healthy: In request to give a situation that advances wellbeing and forestalls sickness, and shows youngsters great sustenance and practices that advance Wellness, I do the accompanying: †¢Cleaning and purifying study hall things, including future and toys, an assignment done on numerous occasions a day. I clean all toys following being placed into a child’s mouth, to forestall the spread of germs. †¢ I wash my hands and wear gloves before and in the wake of taking care of food, assisting with toileting, cleaning noses to keep germs from being spread. †¢ I follow the center’s strategies for debilitated kids to forestall different sicknesses in the study hall. †¢We additionally serve Healthy Balanced suppers breakfast, lunch and bite. Useful Area #3 †Learning Environment: In request to utilize connections, the physical space, materials, day by day timetable, and schedules to make a safe, intriguing, and agreeable condition that advances commitment, play investigation, and learning of all kids incorporating kids with handicaps and exceptional needs, I do the accompanying: †¢I have ensured that all Centers are spread out to assist Children with bettering advantage in learning. By putting the very, occupied and untidy focuses together. †¢We additionally have an ABC cover that’s only for bunch time. Limit 10 to 15mins †¢I have put out a wide range of learning exercises for each inside. Perusing has bunches of books, composing has name cards and letter strips, Dramatic Play and table toys has topic related things. Squares have vehicles, creatures, dollhouse and furniture. Science has Theme related things and Art I put out various things week by week to prop the Creativity up. †¢Also duri ng the day we have bunch time twice, leisure time, little gatherings twice, open air play twice when climate licenses and rest.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Barbara Jordan - Biography and Career Profile
Barbara Jordan - Biography and Career Profile Barbara Jordan experienced childhood in Houstons dark ghetto, went to isolated government funded schools, and an all-dark school, where she graduated magna cum laude. She was associated with discussion and speech, winning various honors. Known for: job in Watergate hearings; keynotes at 1976 and 1992 Democratic National Conventions; first Southern African American lady chose for Congress; second Southern African American chosen to Congress after the finish of Reconstruction; first African American lady in the Texas legislatureOccupation: legal counselor, legislator, teacher:Texas Senate 1967-1973, U.S. Place of Representatives 1973-1979; teacher of political morals at University of Texas, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs; seat of U.S. Commission on Immigration ReformDates: February 21, 1936 - January 17, 1996Also known as: Barbara Charline Jordan Law Career Barbara Jordan picked law as a vocation since she accepted she would then have the option to affect racial foul play. She needed to go to Harvards graduate school however was exhorted that a dark lady understudy from a Southern school would most likely not be acknowledged. Barbara Jordan examined law at Boston University, saying later, I understood that the best preparing accessible in an all-dark moment college was not equivalent to the best preparing one created as a white college understudy. Separate was not equivalent; it just wasnt. Regardless of what sort of face you put on it or what number of ruffles you joined to it, separate was not equivalent. I was completing sixteen years of therapeutic work in speculation. In the wake of winning her law degree in 1959, Barbara Jordan came back to Houston, beginning a law practice from her folks home and furthermore engaging in the 1960 political decision as a volunteer. Lyndon B. Johnson turned into her political guide. Chosen for the Texas Senate Afterâ unsuccessful attempts at being chosen for the Texas House, in 1966 Barbara Jordan turned into the primary African American since Reconstruction in the Texas Senate, the main dark lady in the Texas governing body. A Supreme Court choice and redistricting to uphold exclusive, one vote helped make her political decision conceivable. She was reappointed to the Texas Senate in 1968. Chosen for Congress In 1972, Barbara Jordan pursued national position, turning into the primary dark lady chose for Congress from the South, and, with Andrew Young, one of the initial two African Americans chose since Reconstruction to the U.S. Congress from the South. While in Congress, Barbara Jordan came to national consideration with her solid nearness on the panel holding Watergate hearings, requiring the reprimand of President Nixon on July 25, 1974. She was likewise a solid supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment, worked for enactment against racial segregation, and built up casting a ballot rights for non-English-talking residents. 1976 DNC Speech At the 1976 Democratic National Convention, Barbara Jordan gave a ground-breaking and noteworthy keynote discourse, the primary African American lady to give a keynote to that body. Many idea she would be named a bad habit presidential chosen one, and later a Supreme Court equity. After Congress In 1977 Barbara Jordan declared she would not run for another term in Congress, and turned into a teacher, showing government at the University of Texas. In 1994, Barbara Jordan served on the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform. When Ann Richards was the legislative head of Texas, Barbara Jordan was her morals consultant. Barbara Jordan battled for a long time with leukemia and different sclerosis. She kicked the bucket in 1996, made due by her long-lasting partner, Nancy Earl. Foundation, Family: Father: Ben Jordan (Baptist serve, laborer)Mother: Arlyne (church extremist) Instruction: Phillis Wheatley High School (1952)Texas Southern University (magna cum laude)Boston University (1959, law) Races: 1960: volunteer for Lyndon B. Johnsons nomination1962: Texas House of Representatives (unsuccessful)1964: Texas House of Representatives (unsuccessful)1966: Texas Senate (successful)1972: U.S. Place of Representatives (successful)1974, 1976: reappointed to U.S. House
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Tips on Creating Best Presentation
Tips on Creating Best Presentation How to Turn a Usual Presentation into a Killer One Home›Tips for Students›How to Turn a Usual Presentation into a Killer One Tips for StudentsA presentation is the best way to convey ideas. Visual learners will undoubtedly agree with me. That is the reason why presentations are widely used in the learning process. If to speak about the ultimate tool for creating presentations, many of us will think of PowerPoint. The truth is that if you wish a presentation with some flair, this program is a bit heavyweight and old-fashioned to create one. QualityCustomEssays is going to reveal you the secrets of creating a killer presentation with the help of brand new digital alternatives to Power Point:Keynote. The tool that practically makes the process of creating a presentation enjoyable. It is available on each Apple product (either iPod or iPhone). It offers new slide transitions and 3D or animated charts. You can use a full-screen view for the information to be presented from your devic e or you can opt for video mirroring to show the info on HDTV. You get the possibility to preview your slides as well as stay on track with the help of clock and timer, while the audience is privy to the main screen. It is very useful for pacing yourself in a proper way. What is more important, the app allows to record the voice and set slide timing in case you can’t be present at the presentation. Keynote is available for about $10.Prezi. It is a presentation tool for next generation that combines the idea of visual mind-mapping as well as zoomable user interface. Prezi’s in and out zooming allows better conveying your thought process and for the audience better understanding of the matter. You can customize your presentation from scratch or use some of the templates. It is a cloud-based tool which allows you to have access to your presentation, add images, videos, PDF files and texts from anywhere. Here is a detailed video tutorial for you to learn how to master the using of the tool. Your first presentations will be free of charge. Later you will be offered to pay about $60 for using the tool for a year.We hope that with the help of the mentioned above tips you will be able to create killing presentations that will improve your grades. Remember that our service can also influence your grades in a positive way. I speak about your only high grades for academic writing assignments done by our highly qualified writers. Do not hesitate to become our customers!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Effects Of Video Games On Children - 1548 Words
Video Games Introduction Today video games are a staple in most households. It is pretty amazing to know that the first creation of games date all the way back to the 1900s. They were not originally invented to make a profit, but to give patients something to do while waiting in the lobby of an office. One inventor had a simple idea of using the monitor not just as a television set, but as a way to play games. College students were just playing around with equipment and happened upon something great. Once the inventions took off there was no stopping them. Inventors had no idea of the impact they would make in the lives of our generation, 75 years later. After doing some research I would like to show the good and the bad: how the creation†¦show more content†¦1) A Raster device is just another way of saying a monitor using video signals accompanied by some type of handheld device with knobs and buttons to play the game. Electronic games obviously used computers which used vector graphics to give direction path to the images on screen. Labeling the type of game was not an issue until people started realizing they had come on to something and that profit could be made. For the purpose of this research we will consider all games to be video games. Inventors There were many inventors from the 1940s to the present day, but I only want to discuss a few. Edward U. Condon designed a computer in the 1940s to play the first game ever invented called NIM thought to be originated in China. It was an intellectual game against the computer. It consisted of four rows of matchsticks and the last person to pick up the stick was the loser. The game can still be played now a days, although the concept is simplistic the game is very challenging. Another inventor was Christopher Strachey who created Checkers in 1951. William A. Higginbotham created a game called â€Å"Tennis for two†in 1958. It consisted of two lines on the screen representing players’ rackets, the line in the middle represented the net, and the dot that went back and forth was the ball. Inventors continued to push the envelope using technology to advance more and more
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Definition And Description Of Crime - 1627 Words
Introduction Criminology is the study of social sciences and criminal behavior, which is what I will be talking about in this essay. The main topic of my essay is homicide, which I will define and describe in the next paragraph. I will talk about the criminology theories that pertain to homicide, and a famous killer that can help the reader better understand what the theories actually mean and how they are seen in society. The last paragraph of this essay will talk about the social controls of criminals and if formal or informal social control is better. Definition and Description of crime A human being killed by another human is known as homicide. Sometimes homicide and murder can be confused with each other as murder is actually a form of criminal homicide and they are both very similar. Unlike murder other types of homicide are not considered to be a criminal act. Murder is the unjustified or inexcusable killing of another human being and is the most serious criminal offense. Someone that is convicted for murder can be sentenced to many years in prison, life in prison, no possibility of parole, and sometimes even the death penalty. There are two different types of violent crimes, expressive and instrumental. Expressive is an act of violence that vents rage, anger and frustration. An instrumental act of violence is designed to improve the social position of the criminal. Different behavioral patterns can cause someone to commit a crime as serious as murder, some peopleShow MoreRelated Racial Profiling is Necessary1040 Words  | 5 Pagesdifferent authors use different criteria for the term racial profiling, Merriam-Webster’s definition for the word racial is â€Å"of, relating to, or based on a race (Merriam-Webster, 2006; p.855).†The definition the dictionary puts forth for profiling is â€Å"the act of suspecting or targeting a person solely on the basis of observed characteristics or behavior (Merriam-Webster, 2006; p.830).†Based on these definitions, racial profiling could be defined for criminal justice purposes as targeting a personRead MoreCyberbullying Is A Major Issue1205 Words  | 5 Pagesperson’s account information to break into their account and send damaging messages, pretending to be someone else online to hurt another person, taking unflattering pictures of a person and spreading them through cell phones or the Internet. The definition of cyberbullying varies. While there are many forms, what separates it from physically bullying someone? There are many laws in place now that try to help prevent cyberbullying. Many of those laws have no effect on stopping the bullies. HarassmentRead MoreCrime and Punishment Essay1717 Words  | 7 PagesCrime at its simplest is an act prohibited by law upon pain of punishment (Hall-Williams 1964). Theorists such as McCabe (1983:49) stated that no word in legal and criminological terms could define the word crime for the varying content in which an act is categorised. Due to the broad spectrum surrounding crime, differing understandings about human subjects and premises lead to the development of several theories, assumptions and forms of criminal law. Michael and Adler (1933:2) are often citedRead MoreI Saw The Best Minds Of My Generation Destroyed By Madness1178 Words  | 5 Pageslimits during conversations like sex, drugs and love. In Allen Ginsberg’s poem titled â€Å"Howl for Carl Solomon†, Ginsberg reveals the realities of the 1950’s lifestyle specifically through the use of literary techniques such as allusions, imagery and description, expressing the emotionless lives that the citizens were living, the corruption that the US government had on society and the madness that those who were not seen as the social norm, had to face. Ginsberg is famously known for having a special twistRead MoreProfiling is a Necessary Means for Discovering and Apprehending Criminals1197 Words  | 5 Pagestypes of profiling does work and is proven to help stop crime. This paper will explore the following: profiling and different forms of it, the closely related stop and frisk policy, different cities that have proven statistics that profiling does work, how airports are now profiling, and different serial killers that have been apprehended due to work from profilers. 9/11 led to a re-evaluation of racial profiling as a means of combating crime, and terrorism. Indeed, many people who have passed throughRead MoreMyths And Reality Of Crime 2857 Words  | 3 Pagesasking 100 strangers to describe a criminal. Predict whether those descriptions would be likely to focus on street criminals, or the variety of topics covered in this video. With everything that’s going on nowadays I would say that it’s a combination of both, although it is more likely that those 100 strangers will choose the street criminals. Most people don’t know too much about the white collar or corporate crimes until it happens and maybe because it something that affects them orRead MoreFamily in â€Å"The Public Enemy (1931)†700 Words  | 3 Pagesa dynamic topic whose description has varied over time. To discuss the family and the definitions that the social unit this paper reviews and analysis the movie â€Å"The Public Enemy (1931)†produced by William. In regard to the analysis, this paper will explore the family as a social unit that is affected by the actions of each and every member in the family and the society.     The movie â€Å"The Public Enemy (1931)†revolves around the lives of two young men who venture into crime despite having solidRead MoreWho Are Stateless Persons?1253 Words  | 6 Pages3.1 Who are Stateless Persons: The 1954 Stateless Convention (hereinafter the 1954 convention) describes the definition of a stateless person and specifies the treatment to be accorded to stateless persons by contracting states. Pursuant to this Convention, stateless person is â€Å"a person who is not considered as a national by any sate under the operation of its law.†The 1954 convention provides: For the purpose of this convention, the term â€Å"stateless person†means a person who is not consideredRead MoreMoney Laundering Essay1059 Words  | 5 Pages In order to understand the definition of money laundering it is necessary to also trace its historical origin. The definition of money laundering has developed through time, especially with the various changes that are happening in the society. Traditionally, money laundering has been regarded as â€Å"a process by which criminals attempt to hide the origins and ownership of the proceeds of their criminal activities†(Hopton, 2009, p. 1). The aforementioned definition presents an objective that willRead MoreDefinition of Research1639 Words  | 7 PagesRELATOR, RUE BERYL DS. DEFINITION OF RESEARCH Research has been defined in a number of different ways. * A broad definition of research is given by Martyn Shuttleworth - In the broadest sense of the word, the definition of research includes any gathering of data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge. * Another definition of research is given by Creswell who states - Research is a process of steps used to collect and analyze information to increase our understanding
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Literary Elements Movie Analysis Free Essays
Literary Elements Book/Movie Analysis Activity Have you ever thought why most of us are interested in the stories we read or the movies we watch, the characters, the action, the suspense and the love stories? The writer has to think of how the story must be told, what effect it must it have on a reader or movie-goer, and what is the best way to present his/her ideas. To get the reader’s attention, literary elements, the techniques or kinds of writing, are used by authors/screenwriters. The proper use of those elements enables the author to keep us interested while reading a story or a writer to enjoy a movie. We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Elements Movie Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Literary elements, such as setting, characters, point of view, conflict and the included dialogue, are all relevant to stories, establishing their plot, mood, and theme. For your assignment you will choose a favorite book or movie that is appropriate for school. You will be identifying some of the literary elements that we have been learning in reading class. You will also analyze and explain the elements as I did for you in class for â€Å"The Color Purple†(TCP) You will identify the the following: I will give you examples from the project I modeled in class: Title: Scene: Time and place the story takes place. Point of View: Through whose eyes is the story being told? Celie speaks in the first person through a series of private letters she writes to God and her sister Nettie. We see and hear the story through Celie’s eyes. Characters: Protagonist and Antagonist Exposition or Beginning: Like you, all of the characters in a story have a history, details about their pasts that are important to understanding their personality and their present lives. It is important that readers know some of these details in order to understand a story. This is call the exposition. It is the backround information on the characters and setting explained at the beginning of the story. For example, when I modeled my presentation in class regarding â€Å"The Color Purple’s†protagonist Celie. It was important to know that she was abused physically, mentally and verbally by all of the men in her life. It was important to know that her father gave her away to a vicious man named Albert to be married. We can then understand why Celie was so shy, introverted and had such a low self-esteem. Rising Actions:  These are the actions or events that build up to the tension or conflict in a story. As I modeled in class a rising action for The Color Purple was Celie’s relationship with her friend Shug, a strong and independent beautiful woman. Shug teaches Celie about God, love and self-respect. This relationship teaches Celie to build confidence, a sense of self, love and a voice. This gives Celie the confidence to stand up to Mr. Albert and the conflict of the story. Conflict: Is the problem and exciting action in a story that is happening to or against the protagonist. There are seven conflicts that we have learned about in class. Please identify what conflict(s) that are happening to the protagonist in the story. As I modeled in TCP Celie’s conflicts are Character vs. Character (her Father, Alfonso and Mr. Albert), Character vs. Society(Racism) Climax: When the conflict of the plot is resolved. It is often the most exciting part of the story. The climax is sometimes referred to as the â€Å"turning point†of the story, when the plot changes for better or for worse for the protagonist. In TCP the climax is when Celie uses her newly gained self-confidence to stands-up to Mr. Albert and leaves him to move to Tennessee with Shug. Falling Action: The action and events that happen after the climax. The protagonist usually defeats the antagonist in some way. The reader/viewer will see a change in the characters affected by the climax. In TCP, Celie returns to Georgia as a successful entrepreneur and finds that Mr. Albert has undergone a personal transformation. Resolution: After Alphonso’s death Celie inherits his home. Mr. Albert has finally done good for Celie and she welcomes the return of her sister Nettie and her children Samuel, Olivia and Adam. Theme:  The idea, message or moral the author is trying to tell. Examples: love, friendship, war, racism, sexism, relationships. In TCP the theme is the power of voice, strong female relationships and the cyclical nature of racism and sexism. We have learned about all of these elements of literature in class. Now we must think about them as we are reading our books or watching our favorite film. We will identify these elements and analyze them. We will work on this for 20 minutes a day in class. You will take this time to do research, ask me questions and show me the work you have completed so far so I can guide you in the correct direction. If you need help choosing a book or movie please just ask. You may use any of our read aloud we are currently reading in class. Points: I want the organization of your project to look exactly as is does above, from Title-Theme. Each correctly identified element will be worth 5 points. Your ANALYSIS and EXPLANATION in YOUR OWN WORDS( if you need help with paraphrasing please visit Brainpop. com and search â€Å"Paraphrase†) will be worth 10 pts each. Please make sure you put your explanation in your own words. Points will be taken for messy work and misspelled words. You will be graded on creativity. Please provide visuals or audio from your book or movie. As I modeled in class please add any clips of your movies or books that are appropriate for class. I found my clips of the exposition, climax and resolution on IMDB. com and YouTube. These clips will add to the creativity and quality of your project. You may use power point, Microsoft word, a smart board document, or poster board to present your project. If you have other ideas on how you would like to present I am open to a discussion. If you need to use our resources at school you must COMMUNICATE that to me to set up time to do that. DO NOT WAIT until the last minute. This project will help us understand better the motivation and reasons why authors create the characters they do, why the characters say what they say and why they do what they do. It will also help us start to be able to understand how to complete a literary analysis of a story, short story or poem which we will eventually do in class. This is DUE on FEBRUARY18, 2013. Each day it is late you will lose 10 points. Any questions please see me. How to cite Literary Elements Movie Analysis, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Enterprise Architecture free essay sample
Enterprise Architecture Tool Selection Guide Editorial Writer: J. Schekkerman Version 5. 0 2009 Preface An enterprise architecture (EA) establishes the organization-wide roadmap to achieve an organizations mission through optimal performance of its core business processes within an efficient information technology (IT) environment. Simply stated, enterprise architectures are †blueprintsl for systematically and completely defining an organizations current (baseline) or desired (target) environment. Enterprise architectures are essential for evolving information systems and developing new systems that optimize their mission value. This is accomplished in logical or business terms (e. g. , mission, business functions, information flows, and systems environments) and technical terms (e. g. , software, hardware, communications), and includes a transition plan for transitioning from the baseline environment to the target environment. If defined, maintained, and implemented effectively, these blueprints assist in optimizing the interdependencies and interrelationships among the business operations of the enterprise and the underlying IT that support these operations. It has shown that without a complete and enforced EAolution Architects Strategic Planners / Management; Enterprise Program Managers Software Architects / engineers External Partners. EA Methodologies and Models Model Development Interface Tool Automation Solution Architects Strategic Planners / Management Requirements Enterprise Program Managers Requirements Software Architects / Engineers Requirements External Partners Overall Requirements List = Requirements Requirements Requirements Extendibility Customization Analysis and Manipulation Repository Deployment Architecture Costs and Vendor Support Architecture Results Weigh Factors 1. 2. Functionality Dimension This dimension of the EA Tools review framework attempts to capture how well the tool performs the core functions needed to support the enterprise architecture development activity. This dimension breaks the functionality of an enterprise architecture tool into eight key areas. 1. 2. 1 . Methodologies and Models The most important feature of an enterprise architecture tool the methodologies and odeling the approaches it supports. The approaches the tool supports dictate the types of enterprise architectures the tool is capable of supporting, and to an extent, the type of analysis and manipulation functions the tool is capable of performing. As well as reviewing the methodologies and modeling approaches, this functional area also reviews how well, or how completely, the tool implements the methodologies and modeling approaches it claims to support. For tools that are capable of supporting multiple methodologies and modeling approaches, this functional area also examines ow well the different approaches are integrated. For example, when complementary methodologies and modeling approaches (for example process modeling and data modeling) are used, how well can the different approaches be used together in an overall enterprise architectural approach? Enterprise Architecture Tool Selection Guide v5. O Copyrights, Institute For Enterprise Architecture Developments, 2001-2009 2 May 2009 When a tool supports competing approaches (for example two approaches to data modeling) how well can the data being modeled be moved between the different perspectives offered by the competing approaches? . 2. 2. Model Development Interface The model development interface is the most obvious part of an enterprise architecture development tool. It is the interface used to design, build, maintain and often manipulate, the models that make up the architecture. Generally, models are built and maintained graphically, by manipulating icons and the connections between them. The tools model development interface may also use textual interfaces to allow additional information to be appended to the graphical models. The overall quality of the model development interface is an important characteristic f any enterprise architecture development tool. The interface must support the modeling activity well, for example by automating some of the drawing functions, by appropriate places during the modeling activity. The model development interface must also be intelligently structured, make good use of limited screen space, be logical and consistent to use and navigate. The tool should ideally follow the graphical user interface conventions and guidelines that apply to its host operating system. 1. 2. 3. Tool Automation Developing and populating enterprise architecture models is often the most time onsuming part of the enterprise architecture development activity. By providing support for automating parts of the enterprise architecture development processes, a tool can help speed up the overall development activity. A tool may support the creation of macros or scripts, to automate common functions or actions, or to group several functions together into one action. These may be used to automate parts of the model development activity. This feature is closely related to the tools ability to be customized, which is described in the next section. The tool may also provide the bility to automatically generate enterprise architecture models based on data held within the tools repository, or have the ability to generate enterprise architecture models as a result of data manipulation functions. . 2. 4. Extendibility and Customization This functional group captures how well an enterprise architecture tool can be modified to meet the unique enterprise architectural requirements of a unique organization. Enterprise Architecture tools may support customization by allowing users to add new modeling approaches or to modify the modeling approaches already supported by the tool. A tool may also support modifica tion by providing a programming interface, allowing the functions of the tool to be modified, or allowing the tool to be integrated with other software products. Most enterprise architecture tools that support high levels of customization allow the underlying meta-models of the tool to be modified, and new meta-models added. Metamodels are literally models about models. They describe what entities can exist Enterprise Architecture Tool Selection Guide v5. O Copyrights, Institute For Enterprise Architecture Developments, 2001-2009 3 May 2009 ithin particular models, the legal relationships between the different entities, and their properties. By modifying the existing meta-models, or adding completely new meta-models, a tool can be customized to support new modeling approaches. The ability to modify the tool via a programming interface allows the functionality and behavior of the tool to be customized to meet the unique requirements of the organization. Programming customization may be achieved though the use of an application scripting language, for example Visual Basics for Applications (VBA), or components. Enterprise Architecture tools may be extended by integrating them with other software products. This may be achieved via direct integration through an exposed API within the tool, or via a middleware layer, for example ActiveX/DCOM, CORBA, and so on. Integration may also be supported via importing and exporting data into and out of the tool via standard file types; for example, character delimited or fixed width delimited text files, HTML, or SYLK files and so on. 1. 2. 5. Analysis and Manipulation As well as supporting the development of enterprise architecture models, an nterprise architecture tool may also provide support for analysis and manipulation of the developed models. The type of analysis and manipulation support provided by the tool is often tied to the particular modeling approaches supported by the tool. For example, Flow Analysis is often tied to process/workflow modeling. Analysis support provided by a tool may simply examine how correct or complete the model is, relative to a particular modeling approach used. More sophisticated analysis support may allow the model to be interrogated in some way, or be subjected to particular analysis methods. Analysis support may include the ability to compare different versions of models, allowing current and to-be enterprise architectures to be compared. Manipulation functions capture a tools ability to change the way the models are represented and viewed. This may include the ability to view models from particular perspectives, for example showing only particular classes of entities, or the ability to amalgamate separate models into a single model. 1. 2. 6. Repository Most of the tools on the market make use of some kind of data repository to hold the developed models. The functions provided by the tools repository have a significant mpact on the overall functionality, scalability and extendibility of an enterprise architecture tool. Some tools make use of commercial relational database management systems, or commercial Object Orientated or ObJect/Relational database systems, while others use proprietary repository systems. A tools repository often dictates the way users can collaborate. A repository may provide support for collaboration by supporting multiple, concurrent, users on the one repository, or by providing the ability to combine models developed by different modelers into one model. 4 May 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Founding Fathers Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin free essay sample
Founding Fathers Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin are frequently regarded to be two of the most influential figures in early American history. Both men contributed greatly to the founding of the nation and are considered to be two of the forefathers of the new country. While there are great similarities in both their public and political lives as well as within their personal lives. Even with the uncanny similarities with these two men, there are also slight differences as be expected of two different men.However, while their histories Intertwine a great deal and there are many historical roughhouses that the figures share, It is what they do not that Is of greatest interest. This is because each man brought a different set of understanding and skills to the nation. While both were great men and offered tremendous services to the country Individually, it is clear that the United States would be severely hurt without the contributions of both. We will write a custom essay sample on Founding Fathers Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Thomas Jefferson is perhaps best known for being the primary author of the Declaration of Independence. He specifically coined the first lines of the second paragraph which laid the foundation for the American Revolution and American necromancy: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their Just powers from the consent of the governed, -That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it Is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish It, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its rowers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Benjamin Franklin, however, led a very different role with regards to the Declaration of Independe nce.In 1775, upon his arrival to Philadelphia, he was chosen as a member of the Continental Congress and assisted in editing the document that had already been forged. However, it is Franklins earlier life that contributed much to the birth of the united States. For most of Franklins early life, he worked as a businessman having started a printing house in 1730 and initiated he Union Fire Company, the first volunteer firefighting company in America, in 1736. In 1748, he retired from printing and created a partnership with his foreman, David Hill, who provided Franklin with half the shops profits for the next 18 years.This business was very lucrative and afforded Franklin the ability for leisure time and study and yielded many of his discoveries that made him famous through Europe and much of France. Of his investigations was his look into electricity, including his Lune 15, 1752 famous kite flight In lightning to test the reactions of electricity. However, Franklin understood the dangers of electricity ? as evident by his later invention of the lightning rod and properly insulated himself before the attempt in 1 OFF major fields of science: electricity and meteorology.In politics he proved very able both as an administrator and as a contro versialists; as an office-holder, he made use of his position to advance his relatives, though doing so was all but expected in a world dominated by political patronage. His most notable service in domestic politics was his reform of the postal system, but his fame s a statesman rests chiefly on his diplomatic services in connection with the relations of the colonies with Great Britain, and later with France. It was during this period that Franklin was involved in the creation of not only the aforementioned first volunteer fire department and free public library, but also many other civic enterprises. In 1754 he headed the Pennsylvania delegation to the Albany Congress. This meeting of several colonies had been requested by the Board of Trade in England to improve relations with the Indians and defense against the French. Franklin proposed a broad Plan of Union for the colonies. While the plan was not adopted, elements of it found their way into the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution.In 1757 he was sent to England to protest against the influence of the Penn family in the government of Pennsylvania, and for five years he remained there, striving to enlighten the people and the ministry of the United Kingdom as to colonial conditions. At Oxford University Franklin was awarded an honorary doctorate for his scientific accomplishments and from then on went by Doctor Franklin. He also managed to secure a post for his illegitimate son, William Franklin, as Colonial Governor of New Jersey.In 1756, Franklin became a member of the Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures Commerce whose early meetings took place in coffee shops in Loons Covent Garden district, close to Franklins main London residence in Craven Street. After his return to America, Franklin became the Societys Corresponding Member and remained closely connected with the Society. The RASA instituted a Benjamin Franklin Medal in 1956 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Franklins birth and the 20th anniversary of his membership of the RASA.In 1758, he year in which he ceased writing for the Almanac, he printed Father Abrahams Sermon, one of the most famous pieces of literature produced in Colonial America. Jefferson early political history seems to stem from entirely different roots than did Franklins. Ata young age, Jefferson inherited about 5,000 acres of land and dozens of slaves from his father, out of which he created his home which would eventually be known as Monticello. He practiced law in Virginia and in 1772 Jefferson married a widow, Martha Walleyes Skeleton. Jefferson served in the Virginia House of Burgesses.In 1774, he wrote A Summary View of the Rights of British America which was intended as instructions for the Virginia delegates to a national congress. The summary was considered to be towards the radical side at the time in terms of the view of the colonies towards the British government. It was not followed by the Virginia delegates, but it was published nationally and won Jefferson some national admirers who agreed with his ideas and who were impressed by his writing ability. Jefferson was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence, and a source of many there contributions to American political and civil culture.The Continental Congress delegated the task of writing the Declaration to a committee which included Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston. The Declaration alone. In his public life and on matters of religion, Jefferson was sometimes accused by his political opponents of being an atheist; however, he is generally regarded as a believer in Deism, a philosophy shared by many other notable intellectuals of his time (in contrast with Franklin who rebelled quite readily against his parents Christian teachings).Jefferson repeatedly stated his belief in a creator, and in the United States Declaration of Independence uses the terms Creator, Natures God, and Divine Providence. Jefferson believed, furthermore, it was this Creator that endowed humanity with a number of inalienable rights, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. He was raised Episcopalian at a time when the Episcopal Church was the state religion in Virginia. Before the American Revolution, when the Episcopal Church was the American branch of the AnglicanChurch of England, Jefferson was a vestryman in his local church, a lay position that w as part of political office at the time. He later removed his name from those available to become godparents, because his beliefs opposed Trinitarian theology. Jefferson later expressed general agreement with his friend Joseph Priestley Unitarianism and wrote that he would have liked to have been a member of a Unitarian church, but there were no Unitarian churches in Virginia. While it may seem that Franklin and Jefferson shared different roots, their differences in religion loud be made up for with similarities in religious philosophy.Both men supported what Jefferson called a wall of separation between Church and State, which he believed was a principle expressed within the First Amendment: Because religious belief, or non-belief, is such an important part of every persons life, freedom of religion affects every individual. State churches that use government power to support themselves and force their views on persons of other faiths undermine all our civil rights. Moreover, state support of the church tends to make he c lergy unresponsive to the people and leads to corruption within religion.Erecting the wall of separation between church and state, therefore, is absolutely essential in a free society. This particular point about the two founding fathers is of note, as it is representative of a number of their other political philosophies. As can be seen from the above paragraphs, the early personal and political lives of Franklin and Jefferson differed greatly, especially in the areas of their upbringing. Contrast Jefferson early wealth with the fact that Franklins early life yielded birth in Boston, Massachusetts on January 17, 1706.Rather than being born to a wealthy landowner, Franklins father, Josiah Franklin, was a tallow chandler, a maker of candles, who married twice. Franklin also was one of seventeen children and was the tenth and youngest son. His schooling ended at ten and at 12 he became an apprentice to his brother James, a printer who published the New England Currant. And while Franklins early printing life was of interest: while a printing apprentice he wrote under the pseudonym of Silence Dogwood who was ostensibly a middle-aged widow. His brother and the Currants readers did not initially know the real author.His brother was not impressed when he discovered his popular correspondent was his younger, precocious brother. He left his apprenticeship without permission and in so doing became a fugitive. After this, Franklin did not really see wealth or success until he became self-made through his printing companies. So it is these a hand in shaping the nation, especially in their work on the Declaration of Independence, and believed very similar philosophies with regards to individual freedoms, political agendas, and religious practices.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Part-Time Workers
Part-Time Workers Review Theoretical Concept of Organizational Commitment The organizational commitment as a concept is extremely popular today especially in the organizational and industrial psychology. A good proportion of the studies done in the past on this subject gave the concept an attitudinal perspective, including such aspects as being ready to identify with and be loyal to the organization for which one works. The concept of attitudinal perspective has been defined as the employees effective commitment in relation to the way, in which he or she is identified and involved in the organization, for which he or she is working. Organizational commitment is also indicated by such aspects as the intention to remaining in it, internalizing and identifying with the organizational goals and values, and finally, how much one is willing to put an extra effort for the benefit of the organization. Commitment, therefore, provides a strong linkage between the employees as such and their respective organization. According to side bet theory, individual employees are only committed to the organization whenever their positions in the organizations are still intact. The theory emphasizes that the employees level of commitment is not influenced by the experience through which they are going. On the other hand, Porter and Steer, while supporting the theory, described organizational commitment as behaviour in which the organization can lock their employees. According to Conway and Briner, there are a few researches that have been done on the topic of the differences in commitment between part time employees and full time employees. However, they note that even with the many studies, there has never been any empirical study done with the main objective on the establishment of the extent and reasons behind the difference in the level of commitment between the two groups of employees. The few studies, which have been done, have combined the relationship between commitments and satisfaction with the status of work. An example of such finding is a study conducted by McGinnis and Morrow and the findings published in 1990. Conway and Briner have identified a number of scholars who have carried out research on this topic. However, they note a high level of inconsistencies in their findings. For example, studies by both Martin and Peterson in 1987 found part time workers to be more committed, while that by Lee and Johnson carried out in 1991 found out that the part time employees were less committed. On the other hand, another study by Krausz in 2000 found out that both groups of employees showed the same level of commitment towards their work. Most of these past studies are majorly criticized because of their being theoretically designed. This has made their findings presented in the form of clear differences, which are empirical in nature, in general terms. Conway and Briner note that little efforts were put by the past researchers in trying to explain the difference between the two groups. In cases where attempts to come up with the explanations were made, the researchers employed the partial inclusion and frame of reference theories, which only included part time employees partially. The argument has been that such employees spend only a small fraction of the time in their work stations, while most of their time they spend in other activities away from the organization. It is thus clear that these theories have not given part-time employees equal treatment. For example, the theory of frame of reference categorizes part time employees as having a different reference frame from the one applicable to full time employees. This notion arose in line with the belief that during comparison, part time employees will evaluate their jobs based on different groups and environmental aspects from the aspects used by those employed on a full time basis. An example has been the finding that part time employees normally put more consideration on how flexible their job is than full time employees. All these theories have, therefore, been employed in the study in a way in which they contradict one another in their explanation of the differences in the level of employees commitment and other related factors such as job satisfaction. For instance, being poor in the way one socialize has been used to judge certain employees as not being committed to their work. According to Conway and Briner, such inferences have been based on that both the partial inclusion theory and the frames of reference theory are easy to be manipulated by any researcher in their explanation of any findings concluded empirically. They further note that all the two theories have never been empirically tested, and that based on the fact that they are both not well elaborated, the mode in which they are to be operated is not clearly defined. According to them, this is the reason as to why there has been little understanding of the reasons behind the low level of commitment among part time employees and any othe r aspect related to them. Other Factors Causing the Difference in the Employees Level of Commitment Conway and Briner reported a study, in which psychological framework was used as the basis, so as to understand the reasons why those who are not employed on a full time basis are not as committed as those who are employed on a full time basis. They defined their concept as the beliefs of individuals and noted that it is normally shaped by the agreement, which an organization signs with its employees. That means it has to do with how these employees perceive the promises that they receive from the organization for which they work. Such believes, normally, make the employees have an expectation of appreciations in terms of inducements in return to the contributions they make to the company. The psychological contract has thus been viewed as a framework that can be used to explain the relationship between employers and employees which, in turn, has a significant effect on the level to which the employees will be committed to their work. According to Conway and Briner, this concept can best be applicable so as to explain the behaviours and attitudes of the employees towards their employers. This can be done based on the contents of the negotiation and how the process of negotiation itself is carried out in a certain organization. Commitment and Attitudes Conway and Briner note studies have revealed that there is a relationship between psychological contract and attitudinal differences experienced at the various workplaces. According to them, these factors affect all the employees irrespective of whether they are employed on a full time or part time basis. However, in depth analysis has revealed that those employed on a full time basis differs from those employed on a part time basis on several attitudes, which affect the level of their commitment. This means that the level of psychological contract fulfilment, which one receives, can be used to explain their attitudes, which are useful in understanding their level of commitment. The breach or fulfilment of this contract is what determines whether an employee will be committed to the organization or not. Research has shown that, in a case where the organization is keen to honour the psychological contract, the employees always exhibit a high level of fulfilment and, thus, commitment to the organization. In such a situation, the employees will not be willing to quit the organization. It is, therefore, clear that the concept of psychological contract could be particularly applicable in explaining the behaviours and attitudes that are common with employees. According to Conway and Briner, this concept is applicable even in the explanation of the behaviours of contingent employees, provided the variety of employment contract is known. Conway and Briner identified a number of reasons why part-time employees psychological contract would be different from that of the employees employed on a permanent basis. Such differences may be caused by the disparities in the promises made to each of these two groups. Normally, the extent to which this psychological contract is fulfilled differ, which is based on reasons emanating from the differences at the level of the organization, interpersonal, individual, and those related to the fact that some employees spend less time at their station of work. At the level of the organization, studies have revealed that most of the organizations treat their part-time employees in a different manner from the way in which they treat their full-time counterparts. Their contract and its fulfilment thereof are normally based on the amount and nature of work they undertake, the advancement opportunity, the benefit coverage, and the autonomy. Giving example, Conway and Briner (281) note that most of the organizations do not usually offer the same opportunities for promotion and training to the part time employees as that which they give to the full-time employees. Equally, some organizations only hire the part timers to help them whenever they are overwhelmed. They thus use them to achieve their own motives. This is likely to affect the level of commitment that an employee will have towards the organization for which he works. According to Birkelund, it is because of the difference in their career orientations, that some part timers are loosely committed to the organizations for which they work. However, she notes that some part time employees have simply not been so much committed to their places of work because of the intension of enjoying the flexibility that comes with working on a part time basis. Such employees need more time to attend other commitments that they may have outside the official assignments from the organization. This is contrary to the permanent employees who, on the other hand, have high expectations from the organizations for which they work, making them especially committed to them. Such employees normally have higher expectations of benefiting from the organization, both on short and long-term basis. Interpersonal level normally concerns with the way in which workers are treated either by their fellow workers or their supervisors. These may include practices that are understood to be illegal like stereotypes, which may also affect the level of commitment an employee may be showing towards the organization. Finally, because they are only available at the organization for a short time, the organizations may not offer part time employees more promises as is done to other employees. In fact, in many cases, some employees are not even well conversant with the promises the company has for them. This may lead such problems as related to poor communication between the employees and the organization with lack of commitment being one of them. Birkelund has noted that irrespective of the fact that the level of significance of the part time work has grown, organizations have continued to construct it negatively. This explains why many organizations have continued to exploit their employees. She warns that there is a need to shift the theoretical representation of both the part time employees and part time work. She notes that the growth of significance of part time work should be taken positively as a pluralistic, arrangement of career, and equitable work. She notes the tendency for people in the developed nations like the US and the UK to associate part time work with penalties such as inadequate benefit. She observes that the HR of many leading organizations within the developed world normally associate part time work with low wages, higher percentage workers with low skilled and low level of commitment, lack of job security, and finally lack of enough opportunities for career development. She notes the tendency of sociologists to portray part time work as secondary work while at the same time such concepts as a new subclass of workers have been used to describe those who are working on a part time basis. He also mentioned the claim by scholars like Cathrine Hakin who had argued that women who presented themselves in Europes labour market were either self made or grateful slaves. The diffidence between the two categories, according to her, depends on the level of commitment of these women to their work. Describing her concept of grateful slaves, Birkelund notes that Hakin had argued that such women who work on a part time basis in the occupations dominated by women, especially those with low pay, are normally lowly committed to their work. She, however, emphasized that the notion of viewing all part time job as disadvantageous is not correct. According to her, such claims do not have their grounds and, therefore, only works to influence the commitment of those who are seeking to render their services on a part time basis. According to her observation, various nations and organizations have improved the commitment of their part time employees by presenting cogent formulated agreements. He notes that whenever the part time workers are presented with proportionate wages and reasonable benefits, they normally show a high level of commitment just like their colleagues employed on a permanent basis. Equally, research has shown that those part time workers who are included in viable career paths have shown significant level of commitment. Birkelund urges that countries and organizations need to integrate part time work with the policies guiding the operation of the work place. She observed that this is already happening in the majority of the European countries where the part time jobs is already being supplied as a standard work. Those working on a part time basis in these nations, therefore, enjoy reduced working hours, proportionate benefits and wages as well as full protection of their employment. She argued that this could be the reasons behind the findings that there is a high level of commitment among the part timers in the European nations, in comparison to the c ases with the US countries. It is thus clear that there are a number of other factors besides an employee being a full time or part time employee, which affects the level to which an employee will be committed to his work irrespective of whether they work on a part time or full time basis. In summary, the factors include the incorporation of part time work as a standard form of employment within the organizational policy, opportunities for career progression, benefit coverage and equitable remuneration among other kinds of social protection offered by the organizations (Birkelund, 11). Methodology In its philosophical approach, the study employed a mixture of critical realism and interpretivism. This was based on the understanding that it is almost impossible to have a research question in this study addressed entirely by the philosophical approach. The critical realism fits the study, since there are general assumptions that have been made regarding the relationship between the commitment of part time workers and their commitment in the work place. However, because the reason behind such an allegation is not yet established, there would be a need for an independent study involving all he stakeholders to help ascertain the claim. An interpretive would, therefore, help in establishing clear links between these variables. This means that the study would be able to find out and explain the reasons for the connections between part time workers and the allegations put against them. The study also takes into account the additional factors that affect the commitment of workers like the conditions the workers are subjected to and terms of employment. Such concepts are normally understood via interpretive means. This was made possible, since the approach makes an assumption that the reality cannot always be observed and is, therefore, determined by the relationship between the employer, especially the HR and the part time and full time workers. The study employed a mixture of deductive and inductive approaches. This enabled to test the existing arguments derived from the theory of the frame of reference and that of partial inclusion. The research was also based on the already known facts and the experiences of the researcher both in management and the applied, conceptual model. However, to enable the researcher succeed in generating new knowledge on the topic, the study employed the use of semi-structured interview, which is understood as being more inductive. On the strategy of the research, the study employed the use of a case study. This enabled the researcher to obtain and present holistic findings on the subject, in question. The strategy, for example, allowed a research around people, structures, and even policies. This means that the study is likely to succeed in demonstrating how the commitment of employees can be affected or complemented through the provision of favourable terms. This was made possible through employing the use of semi-structured interviews. The method was complimented by the use of the qualitative questionnaire. The two methods were considered viable since they would also help the researcher to save time, hence, enabling working within the budgeted time frame. The one on one interview was also conducted with a number of the relevant HR specialist. Overall, the two methods helped the researcher to have a better understanding of perspectives and views of the part time employees, full time employees and those of the HR managers towards difference in the level of commitments between the two categories of employees. This way, the researcher was be able to know whether the claims that part time employees are less committed to their work than the full time employees is anything to go by or mere claims having understood the conditions under which the part time employees work. This also allowed the researcher to make appropriate recommendations and conclusions which will not only be helpful to Hilton International Hotel but the entire HR profession. The case study was a holistic two cases study with two branches of the Hilton International Hotel which were the units of analysis within the United Kingdom. Thus, the research considered 100 employees with 50 employees being selected from each hotel. Out of the 50, 25 were part time employees with the other 25 full time employees. That means that each of the two hotels had 25 of their full time employees and 25 of their part time employees participating in the research. Stratified sampling method was used in selecting the participants. This enabled the employees from the two organizations to be divided into either full time or part time employee groups. After coming up with the two groups, the 25 representatives from each group were then chosen, based the on random sampling method to give each member the same probability of being considered. The use of case study enabled the researcher to carry out the study from a number of stakeholder perspectives. This means that besides interviewing the HR specialists under which the issues affecting the employees directly lies, the senior manager who is viewed to have a knowledge and influence on the formulation of the organizational policies was also interviewed on the one on one basis. The study also considered probing part time employees, so as to find out additional reasons why they would be less committed to their work places. It is also worth noting that considering two different branches enabled the researcher to compare the findings obtained from different cases. This may give additional insights like the possibility of the attitudes of the part time employees being determined by circumstances surrounding their work. Choice and Limitations of the Research Methods It is, therefore, obvious that this study employed the use of four methods. First, the semi-structured interviews, which were used to conduct the focus group study with both the full time employees and the part time employees from the two hotels. Second was the one on one interview, which helped in obtaining information from both the HR manager dealing directly with the issues of employees and the senior HR managers of the selected branches. There was also an extensive review of the job descriptions of both the part time employees and the full time employees. Finally, the study considered reviewing the organizational and the national, corporate HR documents. Of much interest were the documented policies, systems, and structures governing the relationship between the part time employees and their employers. This enabled the researcher to get insights on the conditions under which both the full time employees and the part time employees work. The semi-structured interview was chosen because it allows the researcher to seek clarifications from the interviewee. The focus group was also considered since it would enable the participants to discuss freely giving close insights about the topic of discussion. On the other hand, the one on one interview with senior HR managers and the HR managers helped give more insights on what was already known about the topic and the answers obtained from the focus group discussions with the full time employees and the part time employees. The only limitation, which could be common to these methods, would be the researcher taking more time than was allocated in the timetable. However, these methods were, therefore, highly appropriate for this research. Data Analysis and Ethical Issues The participants who were interviewed had no problem with having the researcher jotting short hand notes on the issues that they discussed. In addition, the researcher sought the permission of the participants to have the proceedings recorded. More attention was paid on the sections of the interview that were essential for answering the research questions which he transcribed. This enabled the researcher to have easy task during the data analysis considering that he transferred all the data and stored them safely in a personal computer. He then erased the data from the temporary storage digital device as was agreed with the participants. Concerning the ethical considerations, the researcher secured permissions from the management of the two hotels and that of the participants long before the actual study. Moreover, the participants voices were only recorded only after their consent was secured.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Term Paper Example 1. Supply Chain Problems in Business Organizations The external environment of business corporations is countering large amount of changes in regard to alterations in demand for the products and services by the consumer sphere. Therefore, business organizations feel the requirement of strategizing the business operations in strict adherence to changing market demands. Supplies of goods and services must reach the end consumer on time. Furthermore, the manufacturing and supply chain operations need to be carried out with a focus on the changes in the demand sphere. Absence of demand driven supply chain systems for business organizations tends to make the production activities obsolete, leading to a loss of productivity, profitability, and blockage of working capital (Tai, Ho, and Wu 5397-5398). 2. Concept of Transformational Leadership Transformational leadership or the ability to transform focuses on incorporating a visionary approach in dealing with a change or alteration of the pre sent state of operations or conduct. Such visionary approach implies that the transformational leader focuses on generating key strategies based on objectives the organization is to achieve. A transformational leader is required to work on effective communication to help people working at different levels to receive a clear understanding of their way of approach. Such enhancement of the communication activities helps in generating confidence in the minds of the people to work collaboratively in the atmosphere of change. The change leader is required to reflect on the benefits the people and the concern will accrue in regard to the change process. Such transparency in communication between the leader and the subordinate groups instills confidence and, therefore, motivates the people to work more productively (Chen, Preston, and Xia 258-259). The transformational leader in regard to business organizations is found to incorporate the systems of information technology to enhance the wor king potential of the firm. The incorporation and use of information technology on a mass scale helps the firm to augment the level of resource utilization in achieving key managerial objectives. The transformational leader observes that the use of information technology in regard to business operations helps enhance the skills of the employees and efficiency of business processes. The alignment of information technology with the firm’s operations helps the concern enhance the operational and business processes, helping them to meet market demands effectively. The transformational leader gains efficiency in aligning the information technology incorporated with human and other organizational resources in different departments and levels. Transformational leaders are thereby required to effectively train, and communicate to, the people based on new objectives and skills to be gained to achieve the objectives underlined. Therefore, transformational or change leadership is a dema nd-centric approach which works best when focused on changes or alterations in the market demand for the services or commodities (Grant 471-472; Defee, Stank, Esper, and Mentzer 70). 3. Transformational Leadership in Generating Business Solutions The following segments reflect the transformational activities involved in supply chain systems, which an organizational leader can effectively
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Owning My Own Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Owning My Own - Assignment Example Social responsibility in business also ensures that the company has a positive impact on its customers, stockholders, community, employees and the environment. Social responsibility helps guide a business on its mission and what it stands for and will uphold for its consumers, employees, stockholders and the community (Werther and Chandler, 2010). Discussed below are ways and procedures put in place to ensure that incorporation of self responsibility in business will satisfy consumers, employees and stockholders. Consumers are a vital part of business since they purchase the company’s products. To ensure social responsibility on consumers, the company has to strive and produce high quality and standard goods. In ensuring the quality of products, a company addresses ethical and quality standards expected in business (Werther and Chandler, 2010). A company has to produce high quality products which meet the satisfaction of the consumer. The products should not be harmful to cons umer health. The company should also meet set standards expected of the product. It should offer the product at fair prices to their consumers. In order to meet consumer social responsibility, a company should have a quality control department that checks on the product and service quality. By having a quality control department, the company addresses and ensures consumer satisfaction by producing quality products and services to its customers. Employees provide the company with the workforce or labor needed for creation of products and services in the business. In pursuit of the business missions and goals, social responsibility incorporates employees. A company should be able to ensure that its employee’s needs become met. Social responsibility in ensures that matters such as employee remuneration, bonuses, hiring and training or education get addressed (Werther and Chandler, 2010). A company should ensure that its employees get paid in time and according to labor laws. The company should be able to meet the required labor laws. The company should also enhance employee training and education. Employees should get to attend workshops and seminars to gain more knowledge in order to produce quality products and services. Hiring of employees should be conducted as par the companies required rules and regulation and only qualified candidates should become hired. To ensure that employee social responsibility is met within the business, the company should set up a human resource department which should look up at all matters concerning employees. Stockholders refer to persons or corporation that own shares or equity within a company. The expectation of a stockholder is that the company makes a return on investment (Werther and Chandler, 2010). Stockholder may also be referred to as shareholders or owners of the company. Social responsibility in business gets concerned with ensuring that the expectations of stockholders are met. To ensure that the stockholder s get return on their investment, the company should seek at ways of maximizing its profits. To ensure maximum profits, the company should employ competent management that runs the company smoothly and ensure that it competes fairly and effectively. The company management becomes encompassed with the responsibility of ensuring that all departments work hand in hand to ensure that the company is successful financially to maximize profits. Profits become
Monday, January 27, 2020
Film Research Study: Enchanted (2007)
Film Research Study: Enchanted (2007) Introduction The topic that we chose to do a research on is a film named Enchanted. The film was released in 2007. Enchanted is a romance comedy film which contains live-action and animated fantasy. The film tells a story about a girl named Giselle. She was pushed into a magical well by her prince’s stepmother which brought her to the reality world, the modern New York City. She tried to coop with the new surroundings instead of living happily ever after in her fairytale castle with her prince. Giselle met Robert who helped her to face the reality of the world. Giselle learnt that true love is much more complicated that sharing only a â€Å"true love’s kiss†with her prince. Our targeted audience are students studying in Tunku Abdul Rahman College, Penang Campus. We decided to target 25 males and 25 females which sums up to 50 students. The age of our targeted audience are mostly from 17 till 25. The students we targeted are studying in different faculty such as faculty of accountancy, finance and business. The main reason we carry out this research is to find out if college student perceive Enchanted as children based movie or adult based movie. Literature Review Selection perceptive theory is the process where individuals perceive on what they want to see in the media while dismissing any negative viewpoints. In a broader term, it is where people tend to view things based on the concept of favoritism and their prefer frame of references. It is describe as categorize sensory information that favors one over the other, meaning selective perception is bias because we interpret message that goes against our beliefs and thoughts. Of course, this is only true when our perceive perception is counted as accurate. But if selective perception caused us to dismiss important points and information, this type of perception is highly detrimental. This theory based on human judgment and decision making that is distorted by an array of cognitive, perceptual and motivational biases. There are evidences that suggests that people tend to recognize and even overestimate the operation of bias in human judgment except when that bias is their own. Aside from the general motive to self-enhance, two primary sources of this ‘bias blind spot’ have been identified. One involves peoples heavy weighting of introspective evidence when assessing their own bias, despite the tendency for bias to occur unconsciously. The other involves peoples conviction that their perceptions directly reflect reality, and that those who see things differently are therefore biased. (Emily Pronina, Department of Psychology, Princeton University, Green Hall, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA). Another source of the bias blind spot involves the fact that others see things differently from ours. People are particularly likely to deny bias in themselves, whereas they will impute it to others, when those others have a different point of view and when they for example rebelled against their government policies and governance are then tend to imputed more self-interest biases than the government supporters. (48 G.D. Reeder et al., On attributing negative motives to others who disagree with our opinions, Pers. Soc. Psychol. Bull. 11 (2005), pp. 1498–1510.) Of course, there are least some evidence that that people are more likely to acknowledge their susceptibility to biases that are less undesirable. (E. Pronin et al., The bias blind spot: perceptions of bias in self versus others, Pers. Soc. Psychol. Bull. 28 (2002).) Research Research is the first management process to define the problem. The first step involves probing and monitoring knowledge, opinions, attitudes, effected by the acts and policies of an organization. In essence, this is an organizations intelligence function. It provides the foundation for all the other steps in the problem-solving process by determining, what is happening now? In this research, we used questionnaire method as our research. We chose this method because we think that it is easier to get feedback from the students. We have prepare 8 questions for the students to answer. Some examples of the questions are have you watch the Enchanted movie before, where do you watch the Enchanted movie and do you like the Enchanted movie. We then printed 50 copies to let the students answer it. We carried out the surveys in the canteen, new library and foyer in Tunku Abdul Rahman University College. FINDINGS We created a questionnaire for mass media research in order to collect data about what TARC College students think about the movie Enchanted whether it is suitable for children. 50 of students completed the questionnaire between 12 November2014 and 19 November 2014.The results are recorded as below. In this research, we asked a variety of questions in which I think would be helpful when produce a children based movie. As can be seen from the diagram above, majority of the TARUC students (100%) reported that they have watched Enchanted movie before. I was surprised that most of the TARUC students have watched Enchanted movie before. This helped us to find out more details about how do college students think about Enchanted whether it is a children based movie or adult based movie. The survey shows that the highest percentage of students (38%) who watch the Enchanted movie through DVD. 32 % of students watched the Enchanted movie through cinema. The lowest percentage is 30% of students watched the Enchanted movie through Internet. With this question, it shows that majority of TARUC students would prefer buying a DVD to watch movie. I think that watching movie through DVD are clearer and can be a collection. From the diagram above, A large proportion of students (86%) reported that they like the Enchanted movie. Minority of the students (14%) reported that they do not like the Enchanted movie. It shows that TARUC students are mostly interested in this movie. Some of the respondents said that they like the movie because they like the idea that there is an animation world that comes together with a realistic world. Some of the respondents said that they do not like the movie because it is a twisted fairytale and it is a boring movie. From the questionnaire, this pie chart shows that an overpowering percentage of TARUC students (46%) watched this movie on once, it is a disappointing finding. 32% of TARUC students watched this movie on twice. Only minority of students (22%) watched this movie more than twice. It shows that TARUC students do not like to re-watch the Enchanted movie. As is can be seen from the pie chart above, the survey shows that 64% of students think that the Enchanted movie is a children based movie. Only 36% of students think that the Enchanted movie is an adult based movie. It strongly shows that most of the TARUC students perceive Enchanted movie as a children based movie. The following answer is based on targeted audience’s choice of answers, whether they think it is children based movie or adult based movie. If their answer is children based movie, it will proceed to question 6. If the answer is adult based movie, it will proceed to question 7. As it can be seen in pie chart above, it shows that the reason why our target audiences think Enchanted movie is a children based movie. Majority of TARUC students (73%) said that the storyline is like fairytale which is the most popular answer. The next popular answer is ‘it contains traditional animation and computer-generated imagery’ from TARUC students. There is no student who choose the answer, ‘because of the stepmother’. Only 1 student chooses ‘other’, she said that the dialogue of movie is easy to understand so it is quite suitable for children. This is a surprisingly finding considering the reason why TARUC students think Enchanted movie is an adult based movie, there is two equal answer of percentage (33%) which is ‘it contains live-action filmmaking’ and ‘it contains adult contents’. 28% of TARUC students think that it is an adult based movie because it is a romance movie. The minority of students (6%) was choosing others. According to one of the student, he said that he think this movie is an adult based movie because the idea of the movie may mislead the children growth and development. According to the bar chart above, it shows that the review of the students to the Enchanted movie. 0% of student vote for 1. There is 2% of students vote for 2. 4% of students vote for 3. 8% of students vote for 4, 6 and 10 respectively. 6% of students vote for 9. 14% of students vote for 5 and 22% of students voted for 7. The highest voting is 8 which achieve 28% of students vote. Conclusion With the help of the research, we found of that students of Tunku Abdul Rahman College perceive Enchanted as a children based movie. They strongly believe that it is suitable for children. From the college students’ point of view, they believe that it is a children based movie because they think that the storyline of the movie is like a fairytale where there will always be a happily ever after ending. In our opinion, we think that both answers chosen by the college students has its different perception. According to the theory that we used, selective perception theory, it is where people tend to view things based on the concept of favoritism and their prefer frame of references. Most of the time we will never get a 100% answer as different people have different views. Some people may choose to believe it is an adult based movie and some people might choose to believe it is a children based movie. It proves to us that people view things based on their own concept and thoughts.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Tylenol Crisis
Abstract Part 1: Crisis Scenario Development Develop a scenario describing a crisis situation. Possible topics for your scenario include school violence, workplace violence, terrorist attack, sexual assault, or natural disasters. Your scenario must include sufficient breadth and depth in terms of the details surrounding the incident you have chosen, to include: †¢Ã‚ Description of the crisis. †¢Ã‚ Description of the amount of damage. †¢Ã‚ Description of the victims (physical and psychological damage). †¢Ã‚ Information about the perpetrator(s).Project 1 Part 1 In October of 1982, Tylenol, the leading pain-killer medicine in the United States at the time, faced a tremendous crisis when seven people in Chicago were reported dead after taking extra-strength Tylenol capsules. It was reported that an unknown suspect put 65 milligrams of deadly cyanide into Tylenol capsules, 10,000 more than what is necessary to kill a human. The tampering occurred once the product r eached the shelves. They were removed from the shelves, infected with cyanide and returned to the shelves (Mitchell, 1989).In 1982, Tylenol controlled 37 percent of its market with revenue of about $1. 2 million. Immediately after the cyanide poisonings, its market share was reduced to seven percent (Mitchell 1989). Once the connection was made between the Tylenol capsules and the reported deaths, public announcements were made warning people about the consumption of the product. Johnson & Johnson was faced with the dilemma of the best way to deal with the problem without destroying the reputation of the company and its most profitable product.Following one of their guidelines of protecting people first and property second, McNeil Consumer Products, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, conducted an immediate product recall from the entire country which amounted to about 31 million bottles and a loss of more than $100 million dollars. (Lazare, Chicago Sun-Times 2002) Additionally, they halted all advertisement for the product. Although Johnson & Johnson knew they were not responsible for the tampering of the product, they assumed responsibility by ensuring public safety first and recalled all of their capsules from the market.In fact, in February of 1986, when a woman was reported dead from cyanide poisoning in Tylenol capsules, Johnson & Johnson permanently removed all of the capsules from the market. The reason Tylenol reacted so quickly and in such a positive manner to the crisis stems from the company’s mission statement. (Lazare Chicago Sun-Times 2002). On the company’s credo written in the mid-1940’s by Robert Wood Johnson, he stated that the company‘s responsibilities were to the consumers and medical professionals using its products, employees, the communities where its people work and live, and its stockholders.Therefore, it was essential to maintain the safety of its publics to maintain the company alive. Johnson & Johnsonâ₠¬â„¢s responsibility to its publics first proved to be its most efficient public relations tool. It was the key to the brand’s survival. On September 29, 1982, 12-year-old Mary Kellerman of Elk Grove Village, Illinois, woke up at dawn and went into her parents’ bedroom. She did not feel well and complained of having a sore throat and a runny nose. To ease her discomfort, her parents gave her one Extra-Strength Tylenol capsule. At 7 a. m. they found Mary on the bathroom floor.She was immediately taken to the hospital where she was later pronounced dead. Doctors initially suspected that Mary died from a stroke, but evidence later pointed to a more sinister diagnosis. That same day, paramedics were called to the Arlington Heights home of 27-year-old postal worker Adam Janus. When they arrived, they found him lying on the floor. His breathing was labored, his blood pressure was dangerously low and his pupils were fixed and dilated. The paramedics rushed Adam Janus to the e mergency room at Northwest Community Hospital, where they attempted to resuscitate him, but it was too late.Adam died shortly after he was brought to the hospital. His death was believed to be the result of a massive heart attack. However, doctors would later learn that his death was anything but natural. On the eve of Adams death, his aggrieved family gathered at his house to mourn his sudden passing and discuss funeral arrangements. Adams 25-year old brother Stanley and his 19-year-old bride, Theresa, both suffered from headaches attributed to the stress of losing a family member. To his relief, Stanley found on Adams kitchen counter a bottle of Extra Strength Tylenol. He took a capsule from the bottle and then gave one to his wife.Shortly after taking the capsules, both Stanley and his wife collapsed onto the floor. The shocked family members immediately called an ambulance. Once again paramedics rushed to the home of Adam Janus and attempted to resuscitate the young couple. Howe ver, Stanley died that day, and his wife died two days later. Twenty-seven-year-old Mary Reiner of Winfield, Illinois, was recovering after the birth of her son when she unsuspectingly ingested the Tylenol laced with cyanide. She died a short time later. That same day, 35-year-old Paula Prince, a United Airlines stewardess, was found dead in her suburban Chicago apartment.Cyanide-filled Tylenol capsules were also found in her home. The seventh known victim of the Tylenol poisonings was 35-year-old Mary McFarland of Elmhurst, Illinois. While the blood samples were being tested for cyanide, two firefighters in another location of the Chicago suburbs discussed the four bizarre deaths that had recently taken place in the neighboring area. Arlington Heights firefighter Philip Cappitelli talked with his friend Richard Keyworth from the Elk Grove firehouse about Mary Kellerman and the fact that she had taken Tylenol before she died.Keyworth suggested that all the deaths could have been rel ated to the medicine. Following his friends suggestion, Cappitelli called the paramedics who worked on the Janus family and asked if they too had taken Tylenol. To both the men’s surprise, they discovered all three Janus family members had ingested the popular pain reliever. The police were immediately sent to the Kellerman and Janus homes to retrieve the suspicious bottles. Investigators soon discovered the Tylenol link. Urgent warnings were broadcast, and police drove through Chicago neighborhoods issuing warnings over loudspeakers.During the initial investigations, a man named James William Lewis sent a letter to Johnson & Johnson demanding $1 million to stop the cyanide-induced murders. Police were unable to link him with the crimes, as he and his wife were living in New York City at the time. He was convicted of extortion, served 13 years of a 20-year sentence, and was released in 1995 on parole. WCVB Channel 5 of Boston reported that court documents, released in early 2 009, â€Å"show Department of Justice investigators concluded Lewis was responsible for the poisonings, despite the fact that they did not have enough evidence to charge him. Lewis has denied responsibility for the poisonings for several years. A second man, Roger Arnold, was investigated and cleared of the killings. He had a nervous breakdown due to the media attention, which he blamed on Marty Sinclair, a bar owner. In the summer of 1983, Arnold shot and killed John Stanisha, whom he mistook for Sinclair. Stanisha was an innocent man who did not know Arnold. Arnold was convicted in January 1984 and served 15 years of a 30-year sentence for second-degree murder. He died in June 2008.Laurie Dann, who poisoned and shot people in a May 1988 rampage in and around Winnetka, Illinois, was briefly considered as a suspect, but no direct connection was found. On May 19, 2011, the FBI requested DNA samples from ‘Unabomber' Ted Kaczynski in connection to the Tylenol murders. Kaczynski denied having ever possessed potassium cyanide. The investigation is still under way. The first four Unabomber crimes happened in Chicago and its suburbs from 1978 to 1980, and Kaczynski's parents had a suburban Chicago home in Lombard, Illinois, in 1982, where he stayed occasionally.The media gave Johnson ; Johnson much positive coverage for its handling of the crisis; for example, an article in The Washington Post said, â€Å"Johnson & Johnson has effectively demonstrated how a major business ought to handle a disaster. †The article further stated that â€Å"this is no Three Mile Island accident in which the company's response did more damage than the original incident,†and applauded the company for being honest with the public. In addition to issuing the recall, the company established relations with the Chicago Police Department, the FBI, and the Food and Drug Administration.This way it could have a part in searching for the person who laced the capsules and they could help prevent further tampering. While at the time of the scare the company's market share collapsed from thirty-five percent to eight percent, it rebounded in less than a year, a move credited to the company's prompt and aggressive reaction. In November, it reintroduced capsules but in a new, triple-sealed package, coupled with heavy price promotions and within several years, Tylenol had become the most popular over-the-counter analgesic in the U. S. A number of copycat attacks involving Tylenol and other products ensued during the following years.One of these incidents occurred in the Chicago area; unlike Tylenol, it actually forced the end of the product affected by the hoax, Encaprin, from Procter ; Gamble. The incident inspired the pharmaceutical, food, and consumer product industries to develop tamper-resistant packaging, such as induction seals and improved quality control methods. Moreover, product tampering was made a federal crime. Additionally, the tragedy prompted the pharmaceutical industry to move away from capsules, which were easy to contaminate as a foreign substance could be placed inside without obvious signs of tampering.Within the year, the FDA introduced more stringent regulations to avoid product tampering. This led to the eventual replacement of the capsule with the solid â€Å"caplet†, a tablet made in the shape of a capsule, as a drug delivery form and with the addition of tamper-evident safety-seals to bottles of many sorts. References (n. d. ). Retrieved August 31, 2012, from http://www. trutv. com/library/crime/terrorists_spies/terrorists/tylenol_murders/index. html (n. d. ). Retrieved August 30, 2012, from http://iml. jou. ufl. edu/projects/fall02/susi/tylenol. htm (n. d. ). Retrieved August 29, 2012, from http://aboutpublicrelations. net/uczoulas1. htm
Friday, January 10, 2020
Evaluation of America’s Cultural Influence on the World
Evaluation of America’s Cultural Influence on the World. Jacqueline Gargiulo LIM College Abstract Culturally and politically, America has a strong impact on the world. The works of Matthew Parris and Raja Shehadeh portray offensive behavior by the United States which has impacted younger generations of Palestine and European Countries. Where Shehadeh’s work, What We Think of America (2), indicates both an admiration and anger towards the United states, Parris’s work, It’s Time We All Signed Up for the Rest of the World Team, outlines a definitive negative towards the America and what it stands for.Both articles suggest that the United States had forced its ideals on to the rest of the world. International perception about the United States seems to be generated both by America’s power and influence as well as from within the nations themselves. Parris refers to the United States as a hegemonic power that needs reigning in where Shehadeh takes a more intimate approach and discusses a personal exchange concerning a family member’s loss of original ethnicity. There are many international voices represented in these works; both positive and negative aspects are explored.Evaluation The world has a mixed view of America. The United States is often seen as a hegemonic empire that looks to control the rest of the world. American fashion, politics, media, and ideals are captivating to younger generations of foreign countries. The works of Matthew Parris, a South African born British political journalist, and Raja Shehadeh, a Palestinian attorney and author on international and human rights and the Middle East, illustrate differing yet complementary views of America’s influence on the rest of the world.While some believe that America has a positive impact on society, others feel that America strips them of their ethnicity and value system. One negative cultural influence that America has had on Palestinians is referenced i n the paragraph by Shehadeh which reminisces about country men who leave for America and return striped of their cultural dress and their ethnic accent. Shehadeh (2002) writes, â€Å" The few who come back for brief summer visits parade up and down Main Street in their Bermudas and baseball hats, stopping at the ice cream parlour to reminisce with its proprietor in an old accent that you hardly ever hear in Ramallah today†(pg. 1). Shehadeh portrays admiration for the United States in respect to their advances in transportation and efficient roadways in Ramallah, Palestine, while at the same time discusses the destruction to the states natural beauty and heritage. This is evidenced when Raja (2002) states â€Å"Next came the need for new roads to connect them to Israel; not the old British-style meandering roads but American-style straight four-lane highways that cut through the hills that stood in the way†(pg. 92).Shehadeh (2002) continues to explain that â€Å" in the context of the Middle East conflict, roads may seem a small thing, but they have done a kind of spiritual damage. Gone is that attractive stretch of serpentine road that meandered downhill†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (pg. 92). Here, as America pushed its cultural influence upon the Middle East, geographic beauty has been lost and in its place convenience of travel has been placed. Hence, Raja Shehadeh’s overall view of America is mixed. Matthew Paris’s work can be viewed as extremist. His overall view of America and its cultural influence is negative.Parris (2003) explains, â€Å"Today there is only one hegemon, the United States of America; but there is no less a need than existed during the Cold War for a wary defensiveness towards the appetite, the pretensions, and the dreams of a great and unchallenged power. If the U. S. eagle is to be contained, collective action is needed by the smaller mammals†(pg. 94). Here, Parris is proclaiming that America is a dominating inf luence over other nations and if they are to come out from under the influence of this overarching power, they must unite or be consumed.Matthew Parris (2003) furthers his argument by writing that â€Å"As America grows more confident and its muscle and command, it will be clashing again and again, not just with old enemies but with former friends-over trade, the environment, â€Å"pre-emptive†deference, regime change, international law, extradition†¦ the list is speculative, but let us speculate. †(pg. 96) . Parris uses the example of Britain’s own Prime Minister Tony Blair, who sided with the United States instead of standing on his own two feet. Tony Blair thought the bridge could be repaired and that he might be the bridgemaker. Now, he marooned on the other side and will have to take his chances there†(Parris, 2003, pg. 97). Here, America seems to turn its back on Britain by alleviating the bridge that bound them, leaving Tony Blair and his co untry helpless. America is overconfident that they can repair the bridge when necessary, but for the mean time, make no attempts to do so. Parris also exposes America’s ambiguity over the war with Iraq. â€Å" It is, however; just possible that failure will be faced.The peace in Iraq may prove dirtier than the war, and the American people ( as distinguished from their Defense Secretary) are ambivalent about empire and squeamish about becoming other nations’ policeman†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Parris, 2003, pg. 95) Parris is trying to tell us here that the United States has stepped beyond it bounds and is now responsible to take care of Iraq citizens. He further explains that the U. S. will have more accountability for the well being of Iraq’s people because of the actions we have taken to stop the Iraq war.In conclusion, Matthew Parris is suggesting that the United States needs to be reigned in and that if this does not occur the â€Å"hegemonic power†, that is the United States will take over and become insoluble. With this, Matthew Parris’s view on America’s cultural influence on the world is overpoweringly negative. The international perception of the United States as an imposing, and influential power can be seen as either a negative or a positive. Because of its global connotation, it has become a source of analysis and scrutiny.Negatively, the United States is seen as a â€Å"hegemony†that needs taming and â€Å"caging†. Contrastingly, and on a positive note, the United States is influencing trade, transportation, economy, and education. America is influencing these factors towards other countries to try to enhance there knowledge and to further expose them to the possibilities that can be achieved by taking on the American way. One cannot view America’s positives as having no merit. There may be some form of jealousy that is masked by capitalizing on the negative power that is exerted by the United S tates. In onclusion, America’s cultural influence is primarily mixed as seen in the works of Matthew Parris’s It’s Time We All Signed Up for the Rest of the World Team, along with Raja Shehadeh’s What We Think of America (2). References: Gumery, K. , (2007) International Views: America and the Rest of the World. Glenview, Ill: Pearson Education, Inc. Parris, Matthew, (2003) â€Å"It’s time we all signed up for the rest of the world team†In Keith Gumery (Ed. ), International Views (pg. 94-97). New York: Pearson Longman Shehadeh, Raja, (2002) â€Å"What we think of America (2)†In Keith Gumery (Ed. ), International Views (pg. 90-93). New York: Pearson Longman
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