Thursday, October 17, 2019

Life Expectancy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Life Expectancy - Essay Example However, these life expectancy levels do not necessarily mean that all are expected to live for these ages. One may die earlier or even later based on the lifestyles and other occurrences that may not be expected to occur. Life expectancy at birth is the number of years that a new born child is expected to live before they die. According to WHO, life expectancy at birth has increased world over by 6years since 1990. This has been so due to increased healthcare, technology and social conditions. Other factors that are direct determinants of life expectancy are physical fitness, general health conditions and poverty. The discouragement of smoking in England or the alternative encouragement of physical fitness has augured well towards encouraging the increase in the life expectancy. As such, since this practice has continued to receive positive response from the citizens, life expectancy in England is expected to continue increasing. The growth of the same in the United States of America is slightly below this rate and the reasons for this are discussed herein. Eileen Crimmins-2004 proposes that reductions in mortality were as a result of a reduction in the load of chronic inflammation and infection. The health improvements in Europe can highly explain the effected change. The improvement of the different aspects of healthcare production can be highly praised for the reduced mortality rates in the United Kingdom. From wide studies, it has been reported that improved technological application in healthcare delivery, milestone coverage in genetic engineering and an increased awareness of diseases and viruses (Vallin, MesleÃŒ  &Valkonen, 2001). Medicinal delivery has been experiencing an increased rate of technological advancement in the last decade. This can be clearly highlighted by the introduction of the targeted Cancer Therapy, natural Orifice

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