Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Difference in Race and Ethnicity Essay Example for Free
The Difference in Race and Ethnicity Essay I have had an opportunity to read three great short stories. The short stories were The Welcome Table, Country Lovers, and Child of the Americas. All of them were amazing stories, betraying ethnic challenges, and some responsibilities. I think overall, everyone should read those stories in order to get certain perspective on culture, and understanding on how they lived during the time frame in their life. I also think the short stories provide an understanding in some respects, of how racial divide was apparent during that timeframe. As far as a declarative statement on this matter, I would like to show examples of the literature readings as it correlates with the perspectives of the racial divide, segregation, and overall trials in which ethnic individuals have had to go through. The assertion, I would like to provide is that, short stories can be a direct reflection on time periods that are occurring in life in spite of it being fiction. Our ancestors lived in a time of slavery and segregation. There was no unity between mankind unless the skin color was the same. There was no equality between man and woman and there was no justification to why anyone would be treated superbly unless they were white. It was thought that black people were diseased, filthy and inferior. Over the years, it took people like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. , Rosa Parks, and Harriett Tubman to make a statement and help change the future for all other races, not just African Americans. Today, although racism still exists, it is illegal to discriminate against anyone for any reason to include race. The Literary works such as â€Å"Alice Walker’s The Welcome Table, Nadine Gordimer’s Country Lovers, and Aurora Levin’s Morales’s Child of the Americas†give feeling, and meaning to the different angles of racial segregation and acceptance. These literary pieces open one’s eyes and heart to what has been experienced by many if not by one personally. The Welcome Table by Alice Walker is a story about an old, African American woman who is looked down on by the white community. On her way to church, she was stared at with disgust, with pity and with fear. Once inside the church, it was made clear that she didn’t belong and was not welcomed there. â€Å"Under the old womans arms they raised their fists, flexed their muscular shoulders, and out she flew through the door, back under the cold blue sky†(Clugston. , 2010)Upon being thrown out, the old woman saw Jesus approaching and soon walked away with him. She walked herself to death and yet no one ever spoke of the ragged old women. No one cared what happened to her for she was just an old black woman who stepped in to the house of God, the God of the white race, a place in which she didn’t belong. It is stories like these that make you wonder of the cruelty that was endured by many in the past. Alice Walker made it clear in her short story the feeling and thought that many had toward African American. Her description of the old woman was strong enough to paint a vivid picture of what the woman looked like. â€Å"She was angular and lean and the color of poor gray Georgia earth, beaten by king cotton and the extreme weather†(Clugston, 2010). African Americans worked harder than everyone else on the farms of the past. They were owned by the white farmers during slavery and even after slavery was abolished, they still were employed by the white farmers. Walker makes it easier to understand that although slavery was no longer, segregation and hatred to all who were African American was still very strong. There was no acceptance from anyone regardless of the fact that most of the white families were taken care of or raised by African Americans. There was no sympathy, just disgust and disapproval. Unlike Walker’s piece, Country Lovers by Nadine Gordimer shows a slightly different side of race and segregation. In Walker’s piece, there was no acceptance, no love, no feeling of mutuality. Gordimer on the other hand, talks about children playing together in the yard and fields. Race having no impact on how they interact, the kids play together and get along like family. As the time goes on and the kids get older, they begin to go their separate ways. The white children are sent off to school while the black children begin to work around the house and farm. A white boy and black girl from the story grow up together as close friends. They establish a relationship that compares to no other. When the boy goes off to school, he continues to stay friends with the girl. As he gets older and he hangs out more with his white school friends, he hides his friendship with his childhood friend. The friendship between the two had bloomed to something more, it had bloomed into a secret love. What would the rest of his family or friends think or say had they known that he loved this girl? A black employee to the boy’s father like in â€Å"The Welcome Table,†black people were looked down and were only good and useful to tend to the fields and the house work. They were not meant for friendship or relationships; they are not accepted as social beings. They are strictly workers. At the end of the story, the sexual and loving relationship that once was, is brought to an end by the birth of a baby that was unwanted and denied by the white boy. He refuses to admit his love and to differ from the world around him. Why wouldn’t he profess his love for this girl now that they have a child together? I believe this piece shows how society plays such a great role in the actions, feelings, and thoughts of humans everywhere. Had racial segregation been something of a distant dream, would the outcome be the same. Why do people act based on the perception and thought of those around them? Race plays a major role in Gordimer’s story. It determines the outcome of the story from start to finish. How many people have gone through a situation of the sort? For those who do not know what it feels like to be discriminated against because of race, this story takes a very personal subject and ties it in emotionally. Many people have experienced love and parenthood. How would one feel if the love of their life denied them in front of everyone because of their skin color? What if their child was denied or killed because of what others would say or do? Losing someone is never easy but to lose someone over something uncontrollable like race, it is heartbreaking. Readers are able to relate and feel what this young black girl is feeling as she grows up and away from the boy she has always loved. The relationship starts as one that everyone can relate to; a story of friends and soon turns in to a heart-felt, pain stricken story of betrayal and solitude. It was not until after the Civil War that segregation became illegal. There were still many states that were fighting for complete desegregation but African Americans were able to do things that their ancestors could only dream (Cozzens, 1995). Although integration of races was put into order by law, people found other ways to show their disapproval for what they believed was the inferior race: African Americans. Political groups formed in retaliation to the integration laws that had been passed and were taking effect. In the 1960’s, following many Civil Rights movements, a group known as the Ku Klux Klan became very active and violent towards who they thought were un-American. This abuse and hatred was towards more than just African Americans, it went towards Jews, Catholics and immigrants as a whole (Newton, 2007) Knowing that African Americans were not the only ones in the world hated by the white American society, Aurora Levin’s Morales’s poem Child of the Americas the acceptance of one’s race regardless of the thoughts of society. In this poem, Morales describes herself as an American, Puerto Rican, Taina, Mestiza, Caribbean, European, African, and altogether, an immigrant (Clugston. , 2010). She goes on to talk about how she lives her life in a certain way particular to each individual race. Each piece lives within her and she is happy and proud of the person she is. In today’s society, many people are not happy with themselves and try to conform to what they feel is socially acceptable. Morales’s poem opens up the hearts and minds to those who are mixed or born outside of the United States. Many feel like outsiders, like they do not belong. Instead of being themselves and being happy whether they get the approval of all or not, many sell themselves short in order to please. I believe Morales’s poem paints a very clear and concise picture across the page. The poem show that no matter what society thinks, one will never be happy or satisfied without being happy or satisfied with oneself. Morales using very distinguishing actions that one could relate to being Hispanic or a â€Å"child of the Americas†. She uses everyday life experiences that many can relate to vice fictional ideas that would make ones imagination do all the work. It is almost as if she was speaking not only for herself but for every Latin American that lives in the United States. â€Å"I was born at the crossroads and I am whole†(Clugston. , 2010). â€Å"Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects individuals against employment discrimination on the bases of race and color, as well as national origin, sex, and religion. Title VII applies to employers with 15 or more employees, including state and local governments. It also applies to employment agencies and to labor organizations, as well as to the federal government†(The U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2011). It is laws like these that keep our country somewhat free from races and cultures being treated as inferior. Although there are many different laws against racism, segregation and discrimination, it still occurs in today’s world. Each literary piece described above is different in many ways. There are underlying factors which give each story its own theme but at the end, race is represented very strongly within them all. Had the world not been so racial divided, would these storied have the same meaning? Would these pieces even exist? Race and how it is looked upon is the main theme that each story has in common. Although unconditional love, self-acceptance and social standing are also a theme within the three pieces, it is hard to look over the common denominator. Many times, writers can write about similar stories but different underlying themes change the way the stories are interpreted and what is taken from the story as a lesson learned. For example, had another write wrote a poem about being mixed in race but being widely accepted or being the popular person in society, the focus would be put on the social life vice the personal acceptance and gratification of being a happy individual that Morales shows in her piece. Had Walker’s piece been focused more towards Jesus and his acceptance of all regardless of race, the outcome of the story may have changed. The story may have revolved on praise and worship vice who treated the old woman poorly and why. As we learn to read and divulge in many different literary works, we learn to notice different themes and meanings behind each piece. Themes like race are very noticeable and very strong themes that get the wheels turning in the mind. Not many people can realize a theme in a story but the three pieces discussed in this paper all have very obvious and very strong themes that anyone and everyone can empathize and relate to. How can one read something of the sort and not relate or imagine feeling? It is nearly impossible especially since it is something that was fought for by many for years on end. It is something that many have witnessed or heard stories about; a part of history that will never be forgotten. Although literary works may be similar in theme or topic they are far from written the same way. The literary pieces discussed are all just as different as they are similar. Each work is written differently, conveys different emotions and reactions and overall expresses a different level of understanding. Point of view differs within each piece and with the difference it makes the reader’s perception of the story different. For example, Morales writes her piece using the first person point of view. It gives the reader a personal insight to what the writer is feeling and trying to express. Third person point of view leaves the readers mind open to visualization of many different things. There are many stories out in the world that touch base with issues such as racism, segregation, and discrimination. Whether in first person or third person; whether fact or fiction, these stories and poems all have share similar meaning and theme. Writers of racial themes put across the pain and chaos that these difference cause. Many people often times fail to see the pain behind things such as discrimination but through symbolism, metaphors, and other key literary terms these feelings, emotions and experiences are brought to light. Race is an issue that many people deal with on a day to day basis regardless what side of the spectrum they are on. Having read each piece of work, I can say that themes in each were very different yet strong and imaginative. A reader can never say that the imagination was not stimulated with the thought and understanding of each piece of work. Each piece establishes a sense of strength, love and personal experience throughout the piece. As a reader, I can say that after reading each piece I felt connected to the characters within whether it is imaginatively or realistically. Racism exists even to this day. We witness it through hate crimes committed in some of what are thought to be the safest places, like schools and churches. The Jena 6 controversy in Louisiana was a situation in which a white student was beaten up by a group of African American students after three nooses were left hanging on a tree where one of the African American students sat the day before. This tree was said to be a hangout for white students only (The case of the Jena six: black high school students charged with attempted murder for schoolyard fight after nooses are hung from tree [Radio series episode]., 2007). This controversy became a national headline in the news because many saw it as African Americans being portrayed as inferior and the root of all evil. People did not see any wrong from anyone else but the African Americans and vice versa. This and other such issues leave people with the feeling that racism and discrimination is something that is among us all and subject to come out when we least expect it. Can literary works like the ones discussed open up the eyes of the readers to the feelings that hatred and racial segregation causes? I believe that each one of these literary works has a strong racial theme and each one can impact a reader in a way that was not expected. As we become strong and more in depth readers, themes like these will become more vibrant and obvious to see. Race and ethnicity is nothing more than an exterior color and difference in geographical location (Hallam, 2004). The authors make it clear that these difference cause lots of separation and heartache. These themes not only educate on historical experience but on what should be put to rest as an unhappy and disapproving issue that is ongoing in society.
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