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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Competency Goal Essay
Utilitarian Area #1 †Safe: In request to give a protected situation and encourage kids safe practices to forestall and diminish wounds I do the accompanying: †¢I consistently do my study hall tallies like clockwork, or all the more regularly when fundamental, to ensure that my head tally coordinates the real number of kids in my study hall. †¢Our focuses are set up to diminish open floor space and the chance to run uninhibitedly inside †¢I check all toys and gear for broken or missing parts frequently to guarantee they stay ok for use and play. †¢I guarantee that all synthetic concoctions and cleaning supplies are taken care of out of the range of kids or put away in bolted cupboards to forestall injury or harming. †¢I update my crisis courses as often as possible and effectively obvious and my crisis contacts are consistently with me in a cover and effectively available. †¢I am prepared in crisis clearing systems and plans to expel all youngsters from the study hall as well as working in case of a tornado or fire †¢I am ensured in First Aid, CPR, and Pediatric First Aid which makes me learned of thinking about mishaps or wounds. Useful Area #2 †Healthy: In request to give a situation that advances wellbeing and forestalls sickness, and shows youngsters great sustenance and practices that advance Wellness, I do the accompanying: †¢Cleaning and purifying study hall things, including future and toys, an assignment done on numerous occasions a day. I clean all toys following being placed into a child’s mouth, to forestall the spread of germs. †¢ I wash my hands and wear gloves before and in the wake of taking care of food, assisting with toileting, cleaning noses to keep germs from being spread. †¢ I follow the center’s strategies for debilitated kids to forestall different sicknesses in the study hall. †¢We additionally serve Healthy Balanced suppers breakfast, lunch and bite. Useful Area #3 †Learning Environment: In request to utilize connections, the physical space, materials, day by day timetable, and schedules to make a safe, intriguing, and agreeable condition that advances commitment, play investigation, and learning of all kids incorporating kids with handicaps and exceptional needs, I do the accompanying: †¢I have ensured that all Centers are spread out to assist Children with bettering advantage in learning. By putting the very, occupied and untidy focuses together. †¢We additionally have an ABC cover that’s only for bunch time. Limit 10 to 15mins †¢I have put out a wide range of learning exercises for each inside. Perusing has bunches of books, composing has name cards and letter strips, Dramatic Play and table toys has topic related things. Squares have vehicles, creatures, dollhouse and furniture. Science has Theme related things and Art I put out various things week by week to prop the Creativity up. †¢Also duri ng the day we have bunch time twice, leisure time, little gatherings twice, open air play twice when climate licenses and rest.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Barbara Jordan - Biography and Career Profile
Barbara Jordan - Biography and Career Profile Barbara Jordan experienced childhood in Houstons dark ghetto, went to isolated government funded schools, and an all-dark school, where she graduated magna cum laude. She was associated with discussion and speech, winning various honors. Known for: job in Watergate hearings; keynotes at 1976 and 1992 Democratic National Conventions; first Southern African American lady chose for Congress; second Southern African American chosen to Congress after the finish of Reconstruction; first African American lady in the Texas legislatureOccupation: legal counselor, legislator, teacher:Texas Senate 1967-1973, U.S. Place of Representatives 1973-1979; teacher of political morals at University of Texas, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs; seat of U.S. Commission on Immigration ReformDates: February 21, 1936 - January 17, 1996Also known as: Barbara Charline Jordan Law Career Barbara Jordan picked law as a vocation since she accepted she would then have the option to affect racial foul play. She needed to go to Harvards graduate school however was exhorted that a dark lady understudy from a Southern school would most likely not be acknowledged. Barbara Jordan examined law at Boston University, saying later, I understood that the best preparing accessible in an all-dark moment college was not equivalent to the best preparing one created as a white college understudy. Separate was not equivalent; it just wasnt. Regardless of what sort of face you put on it or what number of ruffles you joined to it, separate was not equivalent. I was completing sixteen years of therapeutic work in speculation. In the wake of winning her law degree in 1959, Barbara Jordan came back to Houston, beginning a law practice from her folks home and furthermore engaging in the 1960 political decision as a volunteer. Lyndon B. Johnson turned into her political guide. Chosen for the Texas Senate Afterâ unsuccessful attempts at being chosen for the Texas House, in 1966 Barbara Jordan turned into the primary African American since Reconstruction in the Texas Senate, the main dark lady in the Texas governing body. A Supreme Court choice and redistricting to uphold exclusive, one vote helped make her political decision conceivable. She was reappointed to the Texas Senate in 1968. Chosen for Congress In 1972, Barbara Jordan pursued national position, turning into the primary dark lady chose for Congress from the South, and, with Andrew Young, one of the initial two African Americans chose since Reconstruction to the U.S. Congress from the South. While in Congress, Barbara Jordan came to national consideration with her solid nearness on the panel holding Watergate hearings, requiring the reprimand of President Nixon on July 25, 1974. She was likewise a solid supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment, worked for enactment against racial segregation, and built up casting a ballot rights for non-English-talking residents. 1976 DNC Speech At the 1976 Democratic National Convention, Barbara Jordan gave a ground-breaking and noteworthy keynote discourse, the primary African American lady to give a keynote to that body. Many idea she would be named a bad habit presidential chosen one, and later a Supreme Court equity. After Congress In 1977 Barbara Jordan declared she would not run for another term in Congress, and turned into a teacher, showing government at the University of Texas. In 1994, Barbara Jordan served on the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform. When Ann Richards was the legislative head of Texas, Barbara Jordan was her morals consultant. Barbara Jordan battled for a long time with leukemia and different sclerosis. She kicked the bucket in 1996, made due by her long-lasting partner, Nancy Earl. Foundation, Family: Father: Ben Jordan (Baptist serve, laborer)Mother: Arlyne (church extremist) Instruction: Phillis Wheatley High School (1952)Texas Southern University (magna cum laude)Boston University (1959, law) Races: 1960: volunteer for Lyndon B. Johnsons nomination1962: Texas House of Representatives (unsuccessful)1964: Texas House of Representatives (unsuccessful)1966: Texas Senate (successful)1972: U.S. Place of Representatives (successful)1974, 1976: reappointed to U.S. House
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Tips on Creating Best Presentation
Tips on Creating Best Presentation How to Turn a Usual Presentation into a Killer One Home›Tips for Students›How to Turn a Usual Presentation into a Killer One Tips for StudentsA presentation is the best way to convey ideas. Visual learners will undoubtedly agree with me. That is the reason why presentations are widely used in the learning process. If to speak about the ultimate tool for creating presentations, many of us will think of PowerPoint. The truth is that if you wish a presentation with some flair, this program is a bit heavyweight and old-fashioned to create one. QualityCustomEssays is going to reveal you the secrets of creating a killer presentation with the help of brand new digital alternatives to Power Point:Keynote. The tool that practically makes the process of creating a presentation enjoyable. It is available on each Apple product (either iPod or iPhone). It offers new slide transitions and 3D or animated charts. You can use a full-screen view for the information to be presented from your devic e or you can opt for video mirroring to show the info on HDTV. You get the possibility to preview your slides as well as stay on track with the help of clock and timer, while the audience is privy to the main screen. It is very useful for pacing yourself in a proper way. What is more important, the app allows to record the voice and set slide timing in case you can’t be present at the presentation. Keynote is available for about $10.Prezi. It is a presentation tool for next generation that combines the idea of visual mind-mapping as well as zoomable user interface. Prezi’s in and out zooming allows better conveying your thought process and for the audience better understanding of the matter. You can customize your presentation from scratch or use some of the templates. It is a cloud-based tool which allows you to have access to your presentation, add images, videos, PDF files and texts from anywhere. Here is a detailed video tutorial for you to learn how to master the using of the tool. Your first presentations will be free of charge. Later you will be offered to pay about $60 for using the tool for a year.We hope that with the help of the mentioned above tips you will be able to create killing presentations that will improve your grades. Remember that our service can also influence your grades in a positive way. I speak about your only high grades for academic writing assignments done by our highly qualified writers. Do not hesitate to become our customers!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Effects Of Video Games On Children - 1548 Words
Video Games Introduction Today video games are a staple in most households. It is pretty amazing to know that the first creation of games date all the way back to the 1900s. They were not originally invented to make a profit, but to give patients something to do while waiting in the lobby of an office. One inventor had a simple idea of using the monitor not just as a television set, but as a way to play games. College students were just playing around with equipment and happened upon something great. Once the inventions took off there was no stopping them. Inventors had no idea of the impact they would make in the lives of our generation, 75 years later. After doing some research I would like to show the good and the bad: how the creation†¦show more content†¦1) A Raster device is just another way of saying a monitor using video signals accompanied by some type of handheld device with knobs and buttons to play the game. Electronic games obviously used computers which used vector graphics to give direction path to the images on screen. Labeling the type of game was not an issue until people started realizing they had come on to something and that profit could be made. For the purpose of this research we will consider all games to be video games. Inventors There were many inventors from the 1940s to the present day, but I only want to discuss a few. Edward U. Condon designed a computer in the 1940s to play the first game ever invented called NIM thought to be originated in China. It was an intellectual game against the computer. It consisted of four rows of matchsticks and the last person to pick up the stick was the loser. The game can still be played now a days, although the concept is simplistic the game is very challenging. Another inventor was Christopher Strachey who created Checkers in 1951. William A. Higginbotham created a game called â€Å"Tennis for two†in 1958. It consisted of two lines on the screen representing players’ rackets, the line in the middle represented the net, and the dot that went back and forth was the ball. Inventors continued to push the envelope using technology to advance more and more
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Definition And Description Of Crime - 1627 Words
Introduction Criminology is the study of social sciences and criminal behavior, which is what I will be talking about in this essay. The main topic of my essay is homicide, which I will define and describe in the next paragraph. I will talk about the criminology theories that pertain to homicide, and a famous killer that can help the reader better understand what the theories actually mean and how they are seen in society. The last paragraph of this essay will talk about the social controls of criminals and if formal or informal social control is better. Definition and Description of crime A human being killed by another human is known as homicide. Sometimes homicide and murder can be confused with each other as murder is actually a form of criminal homicide and they are both very similar. Unlike murder other types of homicide are not considered to be a criminal act. Murder is the unjustified or inexcusable killing of another human being and is the most serious criminal offense. Someone that is convicted for murder can be sentenced to many years in prison, life in prison, no possibility of parole, and sometimes even the death penalty. There are two different types of violent crimes, expressive and instrumental. Expressive is an act of violence that vents rage, anger and frustration. An instrumental act of violence is designed to improve the social position of the criminal. Different behavioral patterns can cause someone to commit a crime as serious as murder, some peopleShow MoreRelated Racial Profiling is Necessary1040 Words  | 5 Pagesdifferent authors use different criteria for the term racial profiling, Merriam-Webster’s definition for the word racial is â€Å"of, relating to, or based on a race (Merriam-Webster, 2006; p.855).†The definition the dictionary puts forth for profiling is â€Å"the act of suspecting or targeting a person solely on the basis of observed characteristics or behavior (Merriam-Webster, 2006; p.830).†Based on these definitions, racial profiling could be defined for criminal justice purposes as targeting a personRead MoreCyberbullying Is A Major Issue1205 Words  | 5 Pagesperson’s account information to break into their account and send damaging messages, pretending to be someone else online to hurt another person, taking unflattering pictures of a person and spreading them through cell phones or the Internet. The definition of cyberbullying varies. While there are many forms, what separates it from physically bullying someone? There are many laws in place now that try to help prevent cyberbullying. Many of those laws have no effect on stopping the bullies. HarassmentRead MoreCrime and Punishment Essay1717 Words  | 7 PagesCrime at its simplest is an act prohibited by law upon pain of punishment (Hall-Williams 1964). Theorists such as McCabe (1983:49) stated that no word in legal and criminological terms could define the word crime for the varying content in which an act is categorised. Due to the broad spectrum surrounding crime, differing understandings about human subjects and premises lead to the development of several theories, assumptions and forms of criminal law. Michael and Adler (1933:2) are often citedRead MoreI Saw The Best Minds Of My Generation Destroyed By Madness1178 Words  | 5 Pageslimits during conversations like sex, drugs and love. In Allen Ginsberg’s poem titled â€Å"Howl for Carl Solomon†, Ginsberg reveals the realities of the 1950’s lifestyle specifically through the use of literary techniques such as allusions, imagery and description, expressing the emotionless lives that the citizens were living, the corruption that the US government had on society and the madness that those who were not seen as the social norm, had to face. Ginsberg is famously known for having a special twistRead MoreProfiling is a Necessary Means for Discovering and Apprehending Criminals1197 Words  | 5 Pagestypes of profiling does work and is proven to help stop crime. This paper will explore the following: profiling and different forms of it, the closely related stop and frisk policy, different cities that have proven statistics that profiling does work, how airports are now profiling, and different serial killers that have been apprehended due to work from profilers. 9/11 led to a re-evaluation of racial profiling as a means of combating crime, and terrorism. Indeed, many people who have passed throughRead MoreMyths And Reality Of Crime 2857 Words  | 3 Pagesasking 100 strangers to describe a criminal. Predict whether those descriptions would be likely to focus on street criminals, or the variety of topics covered in this video. With everything that’s going on nowadays I would say that it’s a combination of both, although it is more likely that those 100 strangers will choose the street criminals. Most people don’t know too much about the white collar or corporate crimes until it happens and maybe because it something that affects them orRead MoreFamily in â€Å"The Public Enemy (1931)†700 Words  | 3 Pagesa dynamic topic whose description has varied over time. To discuss the family and the definitions that the social unit this paper reviews and analysis the movie â€Å"The Public Enemy (1931)†produced by William. In regard to the analysis, this paper will explore the family as a social unit that is affected by the actions of each and every member in the family and the society.     The movie â€Å"The Public Enemy (1931)†revolves around the lives of two young men who venture into crime despite having solidRead MoreWho Are Stateless Persons?1253 Words  | 6 Pages3.1 Who are Stateless Persons: The 1954 Stateless Convention (hereinafter the 1954 convention) describes the definition of a stateless person and specifies the treatment to be accorded to stateless persons by contracting states. Pursuant to this Convention, stateless person is â€Å"a person who is not considered as a national by any sate under the operation of its law.†The 1954 convention provides: For the purpose of this convention, the term â€Å"stateless person†means a person who is not consideredRead MoreMoney Laundering Essay1059 Words  | 5 Pages In order to understand the definition of money laundering it is necessary to also trace its historical origin. The definition of money laundering has developed through time, especially with the various changes that are happening in the society. Traditionally, money laundering has been regarded as â€Å"a process by which criminals attempt to hide the origins and ownership of the proceeds of their criminal activities†(Hopton, 2009, p. 1). The aforementioned definition presents an objective that willRead MoreDefinition of Research1639 Words  | 7 PagesRELATOR, RUE BERYL DS. DEFINITION OF RESEARCH Research has been defined in a number of different ways. * A broad definition of research is given by Martyn Shuttleworth - In the broadest sense of the word, the definition of research includes any gathering of data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge. * Another definition of research is given by Creswell who states - Research is a process of steps used to collect and analyze information to increase our understanding
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Literary Elements Movie Analysis Free Essays
Literary Elements Book/Movie Analysis Activity Have you ever thought why most of us are interested in the stories we read or the movies we watch, the characters, the action, the suspense and the love stories? The writer has to think of how the story must be told, what effect it must it have on a reader or movie-goer, and what is the best way to present his/her ideas. To get the reader’s attention, literary elements, the techniques or kinds of writing, are used by authors/screenwriters. The proper use of those elements enables the author to keep us interested while reading a story or a writer to enjoy a movie. We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Elements Movie Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Literary elements, such as setting, characters, point of view, conflict and the included dialogue, are all relevant to stories, establishing their plot, mood, and theme. For your assignment you will choose a favorite book or movie that is appropriate for school. You will be identifying some of the literary elements that we have been learning in reading class. You will also analyze and explain the elements as I did for you in class for â€Å"The Color Purple†(TCP) You will identify the the following: I will give you examples from the project I modeled in class: Title: Scene: Time and place the story takes place. Point of View: Through whose eyes is the story being told? Celie speaks in the first person through a series of private letters she writes to God and her sister Nettie. We see and hear the story through Celie’s eyes. Characters: Protagonist and Antagonist Exposition or Beginning: Like you, all of the characters in a story have a history, details about their pasts that are important to understanding their personality and their present lives. It is important that readers know some of these details in order to understand a story. This is call the exposition. It is the backround information on the characters and setting explained at the beginning of the story. For example, when I modeled my presentation in class regarding â€Å"The Color Purple’s†protagonist Celie. It was important to know that she was abused physically, mentally and verbally by all of the men in her life. It was important to know that her father gave her away to a vicious man named Albert to be married. We can then understand why Celie was so shy, introverted and had such a low self-esteem. Rising Actions:  These are the actions or events that build up to the tension or conflict in a story. As I modeled in class a rising action for The Color Purple was Celie’s relationship with her friend Shug, a strong and independent beautiful woman. Shug teaches Celie about God, love and self-respect. This relationship teaches Celie to build confidence, a sense of self, love and a voice. This gives Celie the confidence to stand up to Mr. Albert and the conflict of the story. Conflict: Is the problem and exciting action in a story that is happening to or against the protagonist. There are seven conflicts that we have learned about in class. Please identify what conflict(s) that are happening to the protagonist in the story. As I modeled in TCP Celie’s conflicts are Character vs. Character (her Father, Alfonso and Mr. Albert), Character vs. Society(Racism) Climax: When the conflict of the plot is resolved. It is often the most exciting part of the story. The climax is sometimes referred to as the â€Å"turning point†of the story, when the plot changes for better or for worse for the protagonist. In TCP the climax is when Celie uses her newly gained self-confidence to stands-up to Mr. Albert and leaves him to move to Tennessee with Shug. Falling Action: The action and events that happen after the climax. The protagonist usually defeats the antagonist in some way. The reader/viewer will see a change in the characters affected by the climax. In TCP, Celie returns to Georgia as a successful entrepreneur and finds that Mr. Albert has undergone a personal transformation. Resolution: After Alphonso’s death Celie inherits his home. Mr. Albert has finally done good for Celie and she welcomes the return of her sister Nettie and her children Samuel, Olivia and Adam. Theme:  The idea, message or moral the author is trying to tell. Examples: love, friendship, war, racism, sexism, relationships. In TCP the theme is the power of voice, strong female relationships and the cyclical nature of racism and sexism. We have learned about all of these elements of literature in class. Now we must think about them as we are reading our books or watching our favorite film. We will identify these elements and analyze them. We will work on this for 20 minutes a day in class. You will take this time to do research, ask me questions and show me the work you have completed so far so I can guide you in the correct direction. If you need help choosing a book or movie please just ask. You may use any of our read aloud we are currently reading in class. Points: I want the organization of your project to look exactly as is does above, from Title-Theme. Each correctly identified element will be worth 5 points. Your ANALYSIS and EXPLANATION in YOUR OWN WORDS( if you need help with paraphrasing please visit Brainpop. com and search â€Å"Paraphrase†) will be worth 10 pts each. Please make sure you put your explanation in your own words. Points will be taken for messy work and misspelled words. You will be graded on creativity. Please provide visuals or audio from your book or movie. As I modeled in class please add any clips of your movies or books that are appropriate for class. I found my clips of the exposition, climax and resolution on IMDB. com and YouTube. These clips will add to the creativity and quality of your project. You may use power point, Microsoft word, a smart board document, or poster board to present your project. If you have other ideas on how you would like to present I am open to a discussion. If you need to use our resources at school you must COMMUNICATE that to me to set up time to do that. DO NOT WAIT until the last minute. This project will help us understand better the motivation and reasons why authors create the characters they do, why the characters say what they say and why they do what they do. It will also help us start to be able to understand how to complete a literary analysis of a story, short story or poem which we will eventually do in class. This is DUE on FEBRUARY18, 2013. Each day it is late you will lose 10 points. Any questions please see me. How to cite Literary Elements Movie Analysis, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Enterprise Architecture free essay sample
Enterprise Architecture Tool Selection Guide Editorial Writer: J. Schekkerman Version 5. 0 2009 Preface An enterprise architecture (EA) establishes the organization-wide roadmap to achieve an organizations mission through optimal performance of its core business processes within an efficient information technology (IT) environment. Simply stated, enterprise architectures are †blueprintsl for systematically and completely defining an organizations current (baseline) or desired (target) environment. Enterprise architectures are essential for evolving information systems and developing new systems that optimize their mission value. This is accomplished in logical or business terms (e. g. , mission, business functions, information flows, and systems environments) and technical terms (e. g. , software, hardware, communications), and includes a transition plan for transitioning from the baseline environment to the target environment. If defined, maintained, and implemented effectively, these blueprints assist in optimizing the interdependencies and interrelationships among the business operations of the enterprise and the underlying IT that support these operations. It has shown that without a complete and enforced EAolution Architects Strategic Planners / Management; Enterprise Program Managers Software Architects / engineers External Partners. EA Methodologies and Models Model Development Interface Tool Automation Solution Architects Strategic Planners / Management Requirements Enterprise Program Managers Requirements Software Architects / Engineers Requirements External Partners Overall Requirements List = Requirements Requirements Requirements Extendibility Customization Analysis and Manipulation Repository Deployment Architecture Costs and Vendor Support Architecture Results Weigh Factors 1. 2. Functionality Dimension This dimension of the EA Tools review framework attempts to capture how well the tool performs the core functions needed to support the enterprise architecture development activity. This dimension breaks the functionality of an enterprise architecture tool into eight key areas. 1. 2. 1 . Methodologies and Models The most important feature of an enterprise architecture tool the methodologies and odeling the approaches it supports. The approaches the tool supports dictate the types of enterprise architectures the tool is capable of supporting, and to an extent, the type of analysis and manipulation functions the tool is capable of performing. As well as reviewing the methodologies and modeling approaches, this functional area also reviews how well, or how completely, the tool implements the methodologies and modeling approaches it claims to support. For tools that are capable of supporting multiple methodologies and modeling approaches, this functional area also examines ow well the different approaches are integrated. For example, when complementary methodologies and modeling approaches (for example process modeling and data modeling) are used, how well can the different approaches be used together in an overall enterprise architectural approach? Enterprise Architecture Tool Selection Guide v5. O Copyrights, Institute For Enterprise Architecture Developments, 2001-2009 2 May 2009 When a tool supports competing approaches (for example two approaches to data modeling) how well can the data being modeled be moved between the different perspectives offered by the competing approaches? . 2. 2. Model Development Interface The model development interface is the most obvious part of an enterprise architecture development tool. It is the interface used to design, build, maintain and often manipulate, the models that make up the architecture. Generally, models are built and maintained graphically, by manipulating icons and the connections between them. The tools model development interface may also use textual interfaces to allow additional information to be appended to the graphical models. The overall quality of the model development interface is an important characteristic f any enterprise architecture development tool. The interface must support the modeling activity well, for example by automating some of the drawing functions, by appropriate places during the modeling activity. The model development interface must also be intelligently structured, make good use of limited screen space, be logical and consistent to use and navigate. The tool should ideally follow the graphical user interface conventions and guidelines that apply to its host operating system. 1. 2. 3. Tool Automation Developing and populating enterprise architecture models is often the most time onsuming part of the enterprise architecture development activity. By providing support for automating parts of the enterprise architecture development processes, a tool can help speed up the overall development activity. A tool may support the creation of macros or scripts, to automate common functions or actions, or to group several functions together into one action. These may be used to automate parts of the model development activity. This feature is closely related to the tools ability to be customized, which is described in the next section. The tool may also provide the bility to automatically generate enterprise architecture models based on data held within the tools repository, or have the ability to generate enterprise architecture models as a result of data manipulation functions. . 2. 4. Extendibility and Customization This functional group captures how well an enterprise architecture tool can be modified to meet the unique enterprise architectural requirements of a unique organization. Enterprise Architecture tools may support customization by allowing users to add new modeling approaches or to modify the modeling approaches already supported by the tool. A tool may also support modifica tion by providing a programming interface, allowing the functions of the tool to be modified, or allowing the tool to be integrated with other software products. Most enterprise architecture tools that support high levels of customization allow the underlying meta-models of the tool to be modified, and new meta-models added. Metamodels are literally models about models. They describe what entities can exist Enterprise Architecture Tool Selection Guide v5. O Copyrights, Institute For Enterprise Architecture Developments, 2001-2009 3 May 2009 ithin particular models, the legal relationships between the different entities, and their properties. By modifying the existing meta-models, or adding completely new meta-models, a tool can be customized to support new modeling approaches. The ability to modify the tool via a programming interface allows the functionality and behavior of the tool to be customized to meet the unique requirements of the organization. Programming customization may be achieved though the use of an application scripting language, for example Visual Basics for Applications (VBA), or components. Enterprise Architecture tools may be extended by integrating them with other software products. This may be achieved via direct integration through an exposed API within the tool, or via a middleware layer, for example ActiveX/DCOM, CORBA, and so on. Integration may also be supported via importing and exporting data into and out of the tool via standard file types; for example, character delimited or fixed width delimited text files, HTML, or SYLK files and so on. 1. 2. 5. Analysis and Manipulation As well as supporting the development of enterprise architecture models, an nterprise architecture tool may also provide support for analysis and manipulation of the developed models. The type of analysis and manipulation support provided by the tool is often tied to the particular modeling approaches supported by the tool. For example, Flow Analysis is often tied to process/workflow modeling. Analysis support provided by a tool may simply examine how correct or complete the model is, relative to a particular modeling approach used. More sophisticated analysis support may allow the model to be interrogated in some way, or be subjected to particular analysis methods. Analysis support may include the ability to compare different versions of models, allowing current and to-be enterprise architectures to be compared. Manipulation functions capture a tools ability to change the way the models are represented and viewed. This may include the ability to view models from particular perspectives, for example showing only particular classes of entities, or the ability to amalgamate separate models into a single model. 1. 2. 6. Repository Most of the tools on the market make use of some kind of data repository to hold the developed models. The functions provided by the tools repository have a significant mpact on the overall functionality, scalability and extendibility of an enterprise architecture tool. Some tools make use of commercial relational database management systems, or commercial Object Orientated or ObJect/Relational database systems, while others use proprietary repository systems. A tools repository often dictates the way users can collaborate. A repository may provide support for collaboration by supporting multiple, concurrent, users on the one repository, or by providing the ability to combine models developed by different modelers into one model. 4 May 2009
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